
Mar 25, 2006
Here's x64 Windows8 that doesn't keep going to Start for things or being concerned about what is @ that screen.

Using Desktop toolbar, can drill down to anything, anywhere in the machine AND its menu shows all Desktop icons, even though, they don't, actually, show on the Desktop. Quick Launch has a Favorites folder & anything else, instead or as well, that one wants handy. Links is Favorites Bar items & can go to a site w/out browser open 1st or add a site to an open browser. the Applications fold being on the Taskbar is a BIG part of why no need to visit or bounce to Start... ALL applications are in it... not, just the tiles one has on Start & no need to hit Win+Q & go to or via yet, another screen. Add to this, the "Power Users" menu & the APPs Bar & the Start screen gets pretty meaningless, unused & unseen.


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These show the Taskbar w/out, Quick Launch. Also, shows Applications folder open & shows Desktop Toolbar open... this one shows all desktop icons & shortcuts, even though, they are not showing on the screen + it 'expands' to drill down to _____ . All w/out Start.
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Or you could simply install classic shell and not do any of that.
Personally I've decided to use Windows 8 as it comes, "out of the box". Using the Start Screen as was intended, got rid of tiles I don't and will likely never use, added tiles I do use. No special "Start" anything, no special "shut down" anything.
Charms, switcher, WinKey +X (power users) menu and WinKey toggle back and forth. That's it, pure Windows 8, with only two pinned items on my Taskbar (FireFox and Outlook).
Any other 'purists' out there?

I'd say, I'd qualify as that. Have no added software or 'retro-fits'. Have just a few, remaining tiles on start but, really, don't use or visit that screen much... access everything @ or from Desktop... only tweak was to create an Applications folder on the Taskbar... this offers everything not, just the tiles on Start. All Desktop icons, though not displayed on the screen are in the Desktop Toolbar as is the ability to drill down to anything. Navigation is handy & simplified & w/out bouncing about or changing screens or going to Start. KISS principle.


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