
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2017
Hello. I am just asking. Maybe this is coincidence and i am worrying about nothing. So listen... 2 days ago after turning on kitchen, fuse was tripped and i get power outage. When power back after this i booted pc fine but i saw that Windows 10 desktop refresh changed itself from 144hz to lower value ( i dont remember to which ) . To restore again 144hz , i turned off monitor ,turned again on. And its fine. Why that happened? I tried to reproduce this issue, by turning off computer and booting again but it never repeat.

And my question is . That was coincidence that after power outage my Windows 10 monitor refresh was changed or not?

*Thank you. My pc:
6700K stock
*16GB DDR4
*Asus Z170-P
*Corsair 750 RM
*Gtx 1080 Ti Founder Edition
*Monitor Red Eagle IIyama 1080 144hz plugged by display port cable to GFX.
*I tested games etc etc and no crashes or artifacts.

Possibly the outage did that, but could just be a coincidence. As turning it back on fixed it, I wouldn't worry about it.
It is probably nothing. If you get a good surge protector you have nothing to fear. Ground fault interrupt in kitchens trigger all the time. If you continue to notice a problem you should come back as it could be something then.

I tried to reproduce this refresh issue, by turning off computer and booting again but it never repeat.

After power outage when i booted my pc second time,refresh was reset to other lower value ( i dont know which exactly ). To restore 144hz i turn off monitor and turn on again and 144hz was back.

And my question is . That was coincidence that after power outage my Windows 10 monitor refresh was changed or not?

Hey. Really sorry for last question. Somedody said this to me :"Probably related to the outage, and probably very difficult to reproduce.

I once had a quite new set of speakers malfunction (woofer stopped working), and the customer support said it was probably a power surge, try unplugging for 24 hours. I said well nothing else has an issue, and I already tried unplugging it for a minute, but OK... and a day later, it worked fine. A co-worker said to me "that doesn't seem good... makes you wonder about the quality" and I was inclined to agree."

So maybe that was related by outage? But like i said i tried to reproduce this by turning off and on power cord and booting up pc,and not happened again. Windows booted normally with 144hz and not go itself to other value.

Thank you. I promise this is my last question.

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So maybe that was related by outage?
Almost definitely and if you were having connected issues you'd see them appear elsewhere.

Thank you. I promise this is my last question.
We don't mind answering your questions I just worry that you will end up causing some damage from all the testing as it simply isn't needed.
As the saying goes 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'...

If worried about power quality, get a surge protector to plug the pc stuff in.

After power outage when i booted my pc second time ( not on first boot weirdly ),refresh was reset to other lower value ( i dont know which exactly ). To restore 144hz i turn off monitor and turn on again and 144hz was back.

And my question is . That was coincidence that after power outage my Windows 10 monitor refresh was changed or maybe Coincidence? But somebody said that was because of power outage.

But like i said i try to turn off my power cord off and turn on,booted pc and refresh was still normal.

Hmm... I'm getting Deja Vu

As we have already stated (by numerous posters) that your issue? was probably caused by the outage.

If the monitor is now running as per normal then it was an isolated incident brought about by the lack of power.

It doesn't matter how you try and rephrase the question your answers are above.

Just wondering why on first boot ( after power outage ) refresh was normal at start 144hz. It happened when i manually turn off computer and turn on again,and on my second boot it happened. Refresh was lower than 144hz. To make again 144hz i turned off monitor and turn back on again.

Could down to a myriad of reasons and I would only worry if it occurs again. That doesn't mean switching the monitor off and on again to try a reproduce the issue, I mean if it occurs randomly.

It just refresh was changed itself on monitor when Windows 10 start booted. Normally booting with 144hz like always. But somehow it changed to other value ( lower than 144hz ) one time when i was booted windows 10 few days go.

Just a thought so ignore but I was wondering whether your displaydriver was being refreshed...

Sorry for problem and questions and questions. Just worrying too much . Ok last time. Will be very greatful for explanation.

Yeah i just asking because i wonder if that was power outage related?! Or i am worrying too much :).

So conclusion: It happened not just after ( not pc first power on ) power outage. But on second time when i boot to Windows 10.

Ah. I tried to reproduce only 3 times by cutting power to pc and powering on and booting again, but 144hz on start. Not able to reproduce.

Power outage was because fuse was tripped because of kitchen which was turned on in other room. That does matter maybe?

I know one thing you can, don't just cut power from the PC. Outages happen and the 144hz thing is a coincidence. But don't try and replicate outages as you could inadvertently damage something or cause data corruption on a hhd or ssd. I'm guessing this is your first gaming system

Pc was running in fire strike benchmark.
At the same time my mother was powering on electric oven in kitchen.
And then power went out in house.
Then she go to shop and buy new fuse.
Later a friend replaced fuse and power back on in house.

When power back. I booted pc firs time and all was fine, refresh 144hz . But then i turn off pc . Go rest to bed. After 30 minutes i turn pc on again. And then windows 10 booted with lower refresh than 144hz. To revert 144hz i turn off monitor and turn back on. Sorry for language. Really apologize. So it was related to this outage or just not? : ) thank you

Please dont ban me. I promise i will not ask again. I just explain now more better.

Possibly the outage did that, but could just be a coincidence. As turning it back on fixed it, I wouldn't worry about it.
