AlwaysOn VPN Connects, but Unable to Access Local Network Resources


New Member
Apr 1, 2020
Hi all,

I've been struggling with this issue for a couple weeks now.

I recently deployed an AlwaysOn VPNfor a local engineering firm to allow employees to work from home (especially with the pandemic). I followed several tutorials including Microsoft's own.

I am able to connect successfully to the VPN and ping local devices and servers by IP, FQDN, and Common Name. Th eproblem is that I cannot access the file shares on the primary server or RDC into any of them through any methods.

The network topology is something as follows. I've got a Ciena (modem?) for our fiber optic internet connection. That is connected to a NetVanta 5660 router (with the appropirate firewall ports opened). My Windows Server 2016 VPN/Routing/NAT server has one NIC connected to the NetVanta router with the Public IP configured and the other NIC connected to the private network with a private IP. This NIC is connected to the central unmanaged network switch where al other wired devices are connected. A wireless AP allows for staff with wireless devices to connect to the private network.

I am running a Windows Server 2019 machine configured as a DC, DHCP, DNS, CA, NPS, File, and Printing server. I do not have any Vms in the evironment currently as I'm learning this stuff as I go.

The client device I used in testing is a domain joined machine running Windows 10 Pro.

Here are some of the things I've tried in my conversations and troubleshooting with other sources.

- Network Discovery is enabled on both of the servers and the client device.

- Problem persisted with all firewalls disabled.

- Only running Windows Defender Antivirus currently.

- My Private DNS servers are working as I can resolve local device names.

- I CAN RDC into the VPN server successfully by the private IP and Common Name, but nothing on the private network.

I really need to get this working and I've just hit a bunch of dead ends. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
Everything you should need for Windows VPN is here Remote Access Always On VPN I can't speak about Windows VPN because we've always used a 3rd party solution, but if your able to connect but not access resources it's likely either firewall, routing or policy that is not setup correctly to allow a particular type of traffic.
That Microsoft link is the one I used for setup and I cannot find any information that helps me with this issue.
Did you look at the troubleshooting setting or at event logs on the server?