I've been running a copy of Auslogic's BootSpeed for over a month now.
I have to say that the software works well and doesn't cause any problems.
In addition to the normal functions like scanning the registry and looking for junk files it has built in apps to clean up and configure your Windows installation.
I was especially interested in the one that configures your internet connection.
I let it do it's thing and it made a number of changes, and as far as I can see the connection is running well.
The problem is that it was working well before I ran it so I can't really say it made a difference.
That's the problem with most of these functions, If you are like me and use CCleaner, Malwarebytes, and defrag regularly I don't know how much you gain from running it.
Every day it finds some registry errors and some junk files. and some times disk errors that I have to admit CCleaner doesn't find but I don't really know if removing these is doing anything as far as the performance on my computer is concerned.
I would say that if you have a really junked up computer that it full of errors and crap this would really clean it up.
It has a page that lets you change the Windows configuration by doing things like turning off features that are a drag on resources. It puts these all in one location so it's easy to see what you can do. It analyses you computer and makes suggestions.
One feature I thought was interesting was the Remove Duplicate Files application.
This is something I'm really bad at. I constantly copy things from one place to another leaving the old one behind.
I ran it on my D:\ drive, where I keep all my data.
It compares the file names and the size and other factors like the check-sum to make sure they are exactly the same.
I had 23,288 Mb of files to check. That's interesting because I have 421 Gigabytes of data on D:\ some of them are program installations, so it doesn't look at all types of files. Age of Conan alone takes 27 Gigabytes of disk space.
I really am bad at this, I have 1,308 duplicate files totaling 12 GB.
It shows a list with all the dupe files together along with the address so you can decide which ones to delete.
This is going to take a while so I put it off for now but I will sit down and work my way through it when I have time.
What's worse is that I have this whole drive backed up twice on an external drives this way.
My final opinion is that this is probably worth having, but if you use CCleaner, Malwarebytes, and Defraggler regularly you won't see massive differences in performance but it's nice to know that you computer is as clean as it can get.
If you wan't to just run one application every day that takes care of everything then this is it.
I don't know if I will renew the subscription at the end of a year, but by then I may be so used to it that I won't want to be without it.
Thanks Mike, for the copy to evaluate.