

Windows Forum Team
Staff member
Aug 27, 2008
Here's something interesting about Bitcoin and it's rise. I just watched a documentary on it. It's also being traded on the stock market and the kicker is; it's value is higher than that of GOLD. Not sure how to evaluate 1 bitcoin value versus 1oz of gold.......but as of right at this moment, bitcoin is over $10,000 per coin....that's right. Gold is at $1300 an oz.

Bitcoin - on market watch. Bitcoin USD

Gold - on market watch. Gold Apr 2018

Here's a clip of the documentary.......

Interesting! I am very poorly versed in cryptocurrency :( I only know that it can pay for purchases online as they say here there is a lot of useful information.
But the rise in the price of Bitcoin is something amazing!
So yea! Rise of Bitcoin begins! ;)
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Since the original posting....watching the news where congress is interrogating Mark Zuckerberg, were he's pushing for crypto currency. He stated "if we don't do it the Chinese will". Well well.......Hmmmm!
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