I'm trying to clone my 512GB SSD to my much larger 4TB USB hard drive, without disrupting the other partitions. I've tried cloning 3 different ways: GParted, Macrium reflect cloning, and Macrium Reflect image and then restored to the drive. In each case I cannot boot. Though the clone is detected in the uefi, starting it shows a black screen, followed by a very quick flash of text before rebooting (I believe it says 'Abort System', but it is too quick to read). I can get a bit further by using the Macrium rescue media to 'fix boot problems' to reset the entries in the Windows Boot Manger. Then I can select Windows instead of EFI USB Device in UEFI, which results in a recovery screen. One of the options in advanced is to select an OS, where I can choose between Windows (Volume 5) and Windows (Volume 11). Volume 11 falls through to the next item in the UEFI boot list (grub), while Volume 5 loads the original windows install.
When cloning, I see 4 partitions:
(None), 16MB, Unformatted
Windows-SSD, 475.69GB, NTFS
All of which copy without issue and are appended after the two data storage partitions on the 4tb drive
Is there something simple I'm missing? I've been at this for a while and I can't find what's stopping it. My only guess is that when copying the EFI partition across the partition indexes are wrong because of the partitions previously on the HDD, but I don't even know how I'd repair that. Let me know if there's any information I can provide, screenshots, or things I should try.
Thank you for any help!