New Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey all,
So as of a few days ago I have been having trouble Windows 7 constantly giving me the blue screen of death. I do have my hard drive partitioned so that I can dual boot but I am not sure why it is acting up all of a sudden. Has anyone else heard or have this problem? I am forced to use Vista (I absolutely hate it!) currently until I have found a fix. I have plenty of space on my partitioned drive so I don't think it's that.

Any tips would be great! I have only successfully gotten it to load Win7 once but when I came back from being out for about 2 hours it went back into this spin cycle of doom

I'd blow off that installation and do another clean install. Sounds like some major driver/dll problems.

+1 for death of vista, wipe the lot and start new.

I agree with the two previous posts, I would wipe that install and start fresh... it definitely sounds like a major driver/dll issue.. for all the time it takes to do a reinstall that's what I would try first... ;)

However, if you don't want to go that route than I'd suggest checking all your drivers and making sure that they are either Win 7 specific drivers or at the very least the latest Windows Vista drivers (the vast majority of those are "supposed" to work with Win 7).. if they are all the "right" ones than maybe go through each app you've installed and try to narrow it down and see if there's any one that's giving you more problems than another.. and if so maybe try running it in Vista under compatibility mode and see if that stops the BSOD from happening at all...

There are a couple of threads on this forum that list a whole slew of apps that are currently either not working at all with Win 7 or are causing problems... you could try searching those threads and if any of the programs listed are ones you've installed on Win 7 maybe try uninstalling them and see if that makes a difference... ;)

Do you have any firewall or antivirus software installed on windows 7 yet? Those are known to cause many repeating blue screens of death.

Thanks for the advice guys. Currently I have AVG running (full version) so I suspect that may be causing it. I'd hate to do a wipe but it seems I have little choice in the manner. FYI, going back to vista flat out sucks!

im running the free version of avg on two windows 7 machines (main tower and netbook) no problems here.

I also am using AVG 8 Free Edition on 3 pc's with Windows 7 Beta and no problems here either.. though I've never used the Full version of AVG Internet Security so I can't really comment on that one.. ;)

try disabling both the internet security as well as any firewalls u have installed.

BSOD after 5 minutes (AVG and Mapped Drives)

I am getting regular BSOD, 5 minutes each time I login. This started a couple mornings ago when I received a AVG Update dialog box asking for a restart. After the restart, I log into the system and BSOD. I would also receive the same BSOD in all safe modes.


Up until then, my Windows 7 (32) install (with Free AVG) had been performing flawlessly and I was loving the OS.

Suspecting it was my Free AVG, I tried to uninstall, however the uninstall files were corrupt and unusable. I tried to repair and re-install, however the AVG exe would initiate another4 BSOD. I eventually found a AVG removable tool and completed the job.

However, even with AVG removed, I would still get BSOD after 5 minutes.

I then installed ESET Smart Security without any issues and I am still getting same BSOD. AVG has left a very bad taste in my mouth…

I then created another user account and logged in. After 5 minutes, I did not receive any errors or BSOD. This new user account ran great with no issues for several hours.

After scratching my head trying to figure out what could be different between the two user accounts, I remembered my original user account has a couple MAPPED DRIVES. I promptly removed the mapped drives and I immediately noticed that the system booted faster after logging in. I have not received a BSOD since removing my mapped drives.

As a test, I re-mapped a drive to my Buffalo Pro Duo network storage device and WHAM! BSOD after 5 minutes.

No mapped drives, no BSOD.

I have been using the Buffalo device without any issues, and the problem started after the AVG update.

Can anybody else relate to any of this?

Have a great day,


BSOD after 5 minutes (AVG and Mapped Drives)

Very similar problem here. I had to change some NTLM network policy settings to get windows 7 to map to my WD Netcenter. As soon as the mapping was successful I started getting BSODs very similar to those described by ehart.

I am also running AVG and also downloaded the restart update recently. The problem didn't happen until I mapped the drive though...

I think we may have found a real bug here.

Sometimes it's just easier to do the re-format/re-install fresh than to spend days trying to track down and fix a problem. I keep a list of problems I have and when it gets to be too much, I just re-install. Time consuming yes, but it at least it's not hours and hours of fruitless troubleshooting and aggravation.

I just did that yesterday, and today my computer is running tip top.

I've decided to live without my network drive for windows 7. Disconnected the drive and everything works well again. Hopefully AVG and/or Microsoft will address this bug before windows 7 is released.

I've decided to live without my network drive for windows 7. Disconnected the drive and everything works well again. Hopefully AVG and/or Microsoft will address this bug before windows 7 is released.


Thank you for the reply. It is good to know that somebody else is experiencing the same issue. I am also going to hold out for AVG or MS to patch, especially since my other option is going back to Vista.


Thanks for the advice guys. Currently I have AVG running (full version) so I suspect that may be causing it. I'd hate to do a wipe but it seems I have little choice in the manner. FYI, going back to vista flat out sucks!
Look at the dump file. I had AGV installed and it cause the BSOD as well.

I am still wondering how\why an AVG update would cause BSOD when drive is mapped...

Windows 7 ran perfect with AVG installed and five mapped drives, no issues at all. Until an AVG update on 01/30/09, now even with AVG un-installed, I get the BSOD every time I map a drive...

There must be a solution...


I am still wondering how\why an AVG update would cause BSOD when drive is mapped...

Windows 7 ran perfect with AVG installed and five mapped drives, no issues at all. Until an AVG update on 01/30/09, now even with AVG un-installed, I get the BSOD every time I map a drive...

There must be a solution...

I would uninstall it and see if you still get the BSOD.

I would uninstall it and see if you still get the BSOD.

Yes, first thing I did was un-install AVG, still get BSOD. I can map a drive just fine,but I only have 5 minutes until the bloody BSOD...

Yes, first thing I did was un-install AVG, still get BSOD. I can map a drive just fine,but I only have 5 minutes until the bloody BSOD...
Hmm....sounds like a problem with a driver or maybe bad memory. When you get the BSOD, what does it say? It should give you a *.sys file near the bottom.

Hmm....sounds like a problem with a driver or maybe bad memory. When you get the BSOD, what does it say? It should give you a *.sys file near the bottom.


I have the dump file, however not sure how to read or what to do with it...


