
New Member
Jun 13, 2009
Good morning.

I have this dilemma on my hands at the moment, and I wish to get the advise of people who are more up-to-date on the W7 scene than I am .. ie: you guys :D

I'm currently running Windows 7 Beta Build 7229 x64, using the Beta key provided my Microsoft which activated nicely etc.

Due to various reasons (not Window's fault this time!) I'm in need of a nice fresh format. My doubt is this:

Do I reinstall the current build that I know works fine (7229) or I look for a more up-to-date build?

There's a lot of dodgy builds out there for download, which I do not fully trust, and the question of which key will work with what still lingers. Don't want to end up with a Windows that doesn't accept the key / doesn't activate / says it's not genuine after a couple of days etc...

So my question is, should I stick to my tried and tested build, or find a more updated one? And if I look for a later version, what Builds should I be looking for what still works legally with Beta keys?

I know I should wait for the Retail version and buy it in a couple of weeks, but time isn't permitting unfortunately.

Eagerly awaiting your views.

Friend handed it, I got a key from Microsoft site, and everything worked fine.

Wasn't aware that it wasn't an official build ....

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Friend handed it, I got a key from Microsoft site, and everything worked fine.

Wasn't aware that it wasn't an official build ....

It is an official build, it just wasn't 'officially' made available ;)

I do intend to buy it, don't get me wrong.

Just need something to fill in the gap till the 22nd ... and the thought of the pain of going back to Vista is unbearable. Just wondered if there was something else in between builds that's all.

I do intend to buy it, don't get me wrong.

Just need something to fill in the gap till the 22nd ... and the thought of the pain of going back to Vista is unbearable. Just wondered if there was something else in between builds that's all.

Shevron, the same set of installation keys applied to all beta and RC versions. As has been stated in previous posts, the only "official" beta version was 7000, and the only "official" RC version was 7100, and the only "official" RTM version (as of today) is 7600. HOWEVER, there were several "leaked" builds of the beta and RC version which were readily available through torrent sites and activated and functioned just as the official builds did. The same activation codes also applied to all the leaked builds as applied to official builds. I personally used a few of the "leaked" builds (including 7229) and it was during the installation of one of these leaked builds that Microsoft issued the test updates. My "leaked" version received and installed the updates just as an official version would have. (This would be of concern to those who are obsessed with "it is not supported", but really does not need to be of concern.)

Since the only Windows 7 version that is currently available to download is RTM, unless you have a Microsoft Connect or Technet Plus membership, you need to reinstall the 7229 RC version that you have and use the installation key that you have and it will be good until June 2010 if you wish to use it until then. If memory serves me correctly, the RC versions can be installed and activated until January 2010 (and used until June), but are already removed from the website for download. Should there be any security updates issued for RC versions (quite unlikely), your version 7229 would be treated the same as the "official" version 7100. Do not be hesitant to reinstall the same version that you have, because there were really only a few minor changes in details between the first RC build (7100) and the final RTM build (7600).
