
New Member
Aug 25, 2008
I hope someone can help me with this as I've researched and found nothing so far.:mad:

I am running Vista Ultimate (32bit) SP1 on an HP Pavillion Laptop (Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dv6000 (GL995UA#ABA) Rev 1). I have attempted first an Itunes update which failed (I haven't a clue why). The installation would go fine right up until the end and then I got the following error message, and the installation reversed itself.

Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Interface\{915DA835-02FE-4953-92FA-624BDF5D85AB}\ProxyStubClsid32. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

I should have sufficient access to the key (although I wouldn't know what to do with it) as I am the owner/administrator of this computer. When I attempted to take a peek at the registry, using Regedit, I could not even look at the "ProxyStubClsid32" key and received an "access denied" message. My assumption is that the installation program could not access the key, but what next?

Can anyone help me with this? I'm at a total loss:eek::confused:

Thanks in advance.
Kathe Stein

Thanks to all who answered. On a whim I actually called Microsoft support and got some great help. Turns out that the problem was that somehow the Permissions for two registry keys (one of which I posted) had been somehow totally erased. The representative managed to reset the permissions on the two offending registry keys and voila! all went well. On an even more positive note: I learned a LOT! And, I didn't have to reinstall anything. By the way I had attempted to reinstall by running as administrator, but that didn't work due to the permissions problem.

Hm, you might be in big trouble, I suggest that if you dont have alot of things on your laptop, Install Vista Again!
Or just try to install a newer or older version.

Try re-installing the whole application but when you run it, right-click and choose 'run as administrator'.

Thanks to all who answered. On a whim I actually called Microsoft support and got some great help. Turns out that the problem was that somehow the Permissions for two registry keys (one of which I posted) had been somehow totally erased. The representative managed to reset the permissions on the two offending registry keys and voila! all went well. On an even more positive note: I learned a LOT! And, I didn't have to reinstall anything. By the way I had attempted to reinstall by running as administrator, but that didn't work due to the permissions problem.

