Windows 7 Can't see my WD HD in Computer


New Member
May 3, 2012
I have a two TB WD External HD (MY Book) that when I go into Computer I don't see it but I see all my other drives. However I can go into Disk Manager and right mouse click the drive and open and there it is. I can access it but why can't I see it in Computer with the other drives?

I can access it but why can't I see it in Computer with the other drives?
What do you mean you can "access" it? How?

Did it use to work? Has the drive been formatted? Does it work fine when attached to another computer?

Can we rule out the drive being empty and the system being set to not show empty drives in Computer?

Nope. Empty, full or somewhere in between, the system should see the drive - if the drive has been formatted and is ready to receive data.

Nope. Empty, full or somewhere in between, the system should see the drive - if the drive has been formatted and is ready to receive data.
Looks like you are right about the Hidden drives. I suppose that is what I get for taking Microsoft literally. It doesn't even apply to CD/DVDs, just card readers and like devices...

Does a My Book have any type of proprietary software?

You have a disk letter assigned? Windows requires one, as identity. You can do it from Disk Management.

Usually, this happens automatically, but sometimes it has to be done manually. Hope you get it running.
