Years ago, I lost an entire HD because of a Boot manager gone AWOL.
That one bad experience taught me a lesson that I don't want to repeat.
So now I have several HD's with different OS's on them and well as a storage
partition for backup images of C:.
A few days ago, I spent most of the day, jumping back and forth between
Win-7 and Win-8 and both are tweaked for optimum performance, so they
come pretty close to matching my VERY FAST hardware.
Naiya, I would love the opportunity to sit down at your keyboard for a while.
I'd bet you a free lunch, that I could almost double the efficiency of either or
both of your OS's. Microsoft builds into its OS's a ton of SAFE DEFAULTS,
that throttle down the OS like a Governor on a Diesel truck.
If you have a decent HD (SATA II, at least) and enough RAM to run the OS
efficiently, Winders can be tweaked and tuned, to run at hardware speeds.
Edit: I did look at your PC's spec's and it looks sufficient to run just about
any OS you want to run. Did you set the number of cores you have, in Windows?
Did you set your startup delay, from 30 sec's to 3 sec's?e If you'll do those two
simple things, you can shorten your boot time.
I'm not guessing or surmising, it's what I've done for a living for many years.
I did one guy's computer in California, via 'Team Viewer' while he sat there and
watched, as we chatted on the phone while I worked. He's an IT guy for a large
bank and he was blown away by what I did to improve the performance of his
PC. I'm too old for sex, and too broke to travel, so optimizing PC's is my Hobby,
my passion as well as my vocation.
Both Win-7 and Win-8 (on my PC) have been optimized to get the best out of
my hardware and Win-8 is definitely faster. I boot up (Win-8) in less than 20 sec's and
shut down in 5 to 8 sec's. It's comparable to my Windows XP-Pro-SP3 for speed.
Win-7 is a DOG, slow to boot and slow to shut down. I'm so glad that I'm not stuck
with having to run that as my main OS, as so many other people are.