
  1. C

    Windows 10 Windows 10 update = NO Google Chrome?

    My Win10 desktop locked up last week. First Chrome would load only to quit after a short while, may 5 minutes. Then the machine wouldn't restart. I took it into the local shop that installed a new SSD about July (this year) and the tech gave it back saying he could not find anything wrong. WTF...
  2. I

    Windows 10 Reduce windows freezing/lockup time on trying to access non existant folder?

    If I have a folder pointing to a network share that does not exist and I try to open that folder windows will 'freeze' that folder for about 30 seconds while windows tries to find it before telling me it can't.... Same thing happens if I know its not a valid shortcut and try to right click on it...
  3. T

    Windows 10 Still problem with Windows Update

    I have problem with Windows Update on my Lenovov PC after I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. The annex shows the fact that Windows Update when the update is executed, locks up when it is 92% to date. Thus, the update is not completed. Why it locks I do not know, but it was such a whole...
  4. Bear

    Windows 10 BSOD starting again.

    I'm still only running windows defender as requested in previous thread and suddenly the crashes have started again. When it triggers, its either a BSOD or total lockup of the system.
  5. Bear

    Windows 10 BSOD / LOCKUP suddenly no hardware changes

    I don't know what in the world is going on but in the last 24hrs I've had 3 HARD lockups, a bsod ( last night while idle ) , Camtastia Studio crashing , Chrome sites saying flash is not installed, another site on IE said java was not installed. All of this was working fine just the other day...
  6. P

    Windows 10 Win 10 Freezing after startup

    I'm having the exact same issue as original poster. Cold boot and on desktop. Usually 5-10 min in I'll lockup and freeze. Requires restart. From then on I have no more issues the rest of the day or night, even when playing high demand games. If I shut down or sleep it's hit or miss if it will...
  7. News

    How To: Make Microsoft Edge Lock-up with Multiple Monitor Setups

    Microsoft Edge has difficulty working with tabs. read more Continue reading...
  8. Syex

    Windows 7 Windows 7 search locks up computer when going up one level from results

    Windows 7 built in search is terrible. For a start it starts searching before you've finished typing the search term. It doesn't display the folder path in search results. When I click on a folder and then try to go back or up one level it hangs my computer to the point where I have to force...
  9. V

    Windows 7 New BSOD experience!

    Not doing much, it's happened twice now over the last few days. Just had a photo editing program open the first time it happened & the second time watching a youtube video via facebook. But having some strange things happen to my system like having things minimize for no reason. PING.exe...
  10. T

    Windows 7 USB Mating Calls ??!! (so frustrating, I gotta make a joke about it anymore)

    I dont know how else to explain it.... other than I think my computer is in HEAT ! For the past two weeks, Ive been experiencing a problem with what sounds like the same sound you get from when you unplug a USB device- that sorta like a “ding dong” sound that happens in Windows 7. Sometimes...
  11. V

    Windows 7 Mouse Drivers Causing Windows Explorer Lock Up

    I have been having this problem for a little while now and up until yesterday I had no idea what was causing it. My Problem: The Windows Explorer (Not IE) will randomly lock up and the only way to fix the problem is to CTRL+Atl+Delete and open the Task Manager. I don't even have to kill...
  12. M

    Windows 7 Several different BSODs on startup only

    Hi everyone, Almost every time I start the computer up(90%), within 1-2 minutes of reaching the desktop the computer will either lock up then just turn off, or go to a blue screen. After it has been through 1 or 2 blue screens it runs fine for the rest of the session. It only ever happens during...
  13. R

    Windows 7 BSOD Windows 7 64 pro

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my system that started around the time I switched to a Intel 520 SSD. Not sure if that is the issue, but some whacky things started around that time. Could be coincidence. At first my system would only crash when it was not in use (3-4 am) while running things...
  14. B

    Windows 7 Skype Sign-In and Print Screen Button Freeze Computer

    Using the Print Screen button on my Logitech K120 wired keyboard totally locks up the computer. This problem has also occurred in Safe Mode as well. I've tried uninstalling and re installing all relevant drivers, but the problem persists. The On-Screen Keyboard works just as it should. Signing...
  15. S

    Windows 7 Explorer lockup when I plug in external USB drive

    I have just re-built my windows 7 machine after a harddisk failure. All seems to be working fine except for my external USB drive which locks up explorer and windows in general, only way out is the magic reset (even Task manager locks up). Any suggestions most appreciated.+o(
  16. T

    Windows 7 BSOD on Windows 7 - both in normal and safe mode

    Hi, I hope that I am posting in the correct forum - please forgive me if I am not and/or redirect me to the correct area. I have a DELL system running Windows 7 Home. It has been running smoothly for the past 3 years and now all of a sudden, I began getting the BSOD. I have run Memtest on...
  17. D

    Windows 7 Sys Lockup & Reboot when Web Browsing

    Attached CPU-Z Pics and Diagnostics. I've got a Alienware laptop that I mostly use for gaming. I haven't experienced any issues while gaming. However, I have a reoccurring issue when browsing the web. The mouse will lockup, then after 5-10 seconds, the computer will reboot itself. The fans...
  18. A

    Windows 7 Random lockups,as much information as possible provided.

    Well I've been getting random lockups for quite some time however here is the kicker,it ONLY happens with more than 4GB of RAM installed...anything less than 4GB I am perfectly fine but anything more my computer locks up totally randomly. Random bits of information: Tested all of my RAM sticks...
  19. Y

    Windows 7 Random BSODS on new system

    So, I have a frustrating cycle of random BSODS on my brand new system. I have attached the files that are required per the rules here (hopefully I did that right), and could use some expert help. I believe I have all of my drivers updated, I have the latest BIOS from the manufacturer, and have...
  20. Basher

    Windows 8 Flash troubles

    Hi Guys, Is anyone having flash problems, it wont work for me? :upset: All I get is a green screen in the flash (YouTube) box and then it locks up explorer. Basher