
Senior Member
Feb 20, 2010
Comprei um disco multimedia dia Memup NRX que quero ligar em rede ethernet ao meu PC com o Windows 7 instalado.
Tenho um roteador Linksys RT31P2 junto ao meu pc onde por vezes tambem ligo o meu portatil com o Windows XP.
No meu pc coloquei algumas pastas a partilha com acesso em conta convidado e sem password de acesso. Segui o principio do que se faz com o Windows XP.
Em relacao o ao meu disco multimedia acontece que ele reconhece o pc mas quando quero Aceder as pastas que estao partilhadas ele pede o (net user id) e (net password). Nao sei o que e ele esta a pedir, sera que alguem me pode ajudar? Entretanto se estiver o meu portatil ligado no mesmo roteador e com pastas partilhadas (portatil tem o XP) o disco multimedia logot acede as pastas partilhadas.
Nao entendo o que ele pede em relacao ao Windows 7. Se alguem puder ajudar agradeco muito.

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Finalmente consegui! <img src\u003d="" http:="""" images="" vb="" smilies="" biggrin.gif="" border\u003d="" 0="" title\u003d="" biggrin="" smilieid\u003d="" 3="" class\u003d="" inlineimg=""> < img src \u003d "" border \u003d "0" alt \u003d "" title \u003d "Biggrin" smilieid \u003d "3" class \u003d "inlineimg" /> Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error
Obrigado pela ajuda, depois de ler a sua ultima informacao fui pesquisar um pouco e achei este topico Link Removed, segui os passos, reiniciei o PC e coloquei uma pasta para partilha. Depois no meu SMB quando aparece uma pedir...
Networked Multimedia disk bought a disc multimedia day I Memup NRX Ethernet network connect to my PC with Windows 7 installed.
I have a Linksys router RT31P2 next to my PC where sometimes also I connect my wireless device with Windows XP.
On my PC I put some folders sharing with guest account access and access without password. Follow the principle does with Windows XP.
In relacao to my disk multimedia happens that it recognizes the pc but when I access the folders that are shared it asks the (NET user ID) and password (net). Don't know what it is to ask someone, sinlatin3 can help me? However if you are connected to my wireless device on the same router and with shared folders (XP) has enabled the disk multimedia logot accesses the shared folders.
Don't understand what it asks in relacao to Windows 7. If someone can help agradeco.
Thank you

As you can see the translator isn't 100%. But this looks like another instance where a Network Attached Storage Device, running I presume some version of Unix/Linux and SMB. There doesn't seem to be a single difinitive answer to this problem but if you tell me what version of Windows 7 you have installed I can make a couple suggestions, that may do you some good but they don't seem to work in every instances. So, Windows 7 (Home Basic, Premium, Pro, Enterprise, Ultimate)?

All Agradeco to help possivel.
Installed tenho or Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

Try this
Type secpol.msc in the search box and hit enter, when the local security policy management console opens, refer to the screen shot that I have attached and make the adjustments accordingly. Reboot and see if that helps at all

Follow all the steps but still always asking for password access
This seems to be the point where, with most of these type devises, you are unable to get by, and I'm not exactly sure how to proceed.
It seems that the windows 7 machine would like you to access it by using the following format
MachineName\Username (That is the Windows 7 Machine's netbios name followed by a backslash and then a username with appropriate permissons) and then the password for that user.
However it seems that in most instances, these types of devices don't have the capacity to use the backslash character in the username field.
I have read some reports that some have been successful by enabling the guest account on the Windows 7 machine, seems like a big security hole to me. I have read elsewhere that some have been successful by specifically granting the NETWORK group full controll to the shared directory you are trying to access, under the security tab for ntfs permissions, although I would think that the everyone group would pretty much include, well....everyone. So I don't see how that would help. I have also read that some people have had success updating the firmware on their particular device, which evidently includes a newer version of SMB. Beware, I think a firmware update in some instances may wipe the data on the device.
Also on the Windows 7 machine make sure that IPv6 is disabled and if you're in a homegroup.....leave it, workgroup sharing is what we're talking about a matter of fact generally I would recommend going into folder options, under the view tab and turning off by unchecking Use sharing Wizard, should be near the bottom.
If you are able to resolve this issue, please post back your solution as there are a ton of people with this same problem.

Eu no meu SMB consigo colocar barra invertida, o problema é que depois de colocar o meu netbios 16 caracteres só tenho espaço para mais 5 onde não consigo colocar o meu username. Já tentei com conta convidado mas também não dá.

I in my SMB can slash, the problem is that after placing my .NetBIOS 16 characters only have space for more 5 where I can't put my username. Already tried with guest account but also does not.
If you think that it would help, then renaming your machine to something with less than 16 characters might work. Keep it short, simple and no spaces like MyPc or DeskTop or Laptop, etc. Right click computer, choose properties, click link near bottom right that says "Change Settings" under the Computer Name Tab, click the change button, and then in the Computer name box, change to whatever you like and reboot.

Finalmente consegui! <img src\u003d="" http:="""" images="" vb="" smilies="" biggrin.gif="" border\u003d="" 0="" title\u003d="" biggrin="" smilieid\u003d="" 3="" class\u003d="" inlineimg=""> < img src \u003d "" border \u003d "0" alt \u003d "" title \u003d "Biggrin" smilieid \u003d "3" class \u003d "inlineimg" /> Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error
Obrigado pela ajuda, depois de ler a sua ultima informacao fui pesquisar um pouco e achei este topico Link Removed, segui os passos, reiniciei o PC e coloquei uma pasta para partilha. Depois no meu SMB quando aparece uma pedir usuário (net user id) coloquei o meu netbios / username, na (net password) nao coloquei nada e consegui entrar na pasta partilhada. Testei depois com outras pastas e consigo aceder a todas as que quero. Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error

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