
New Member
Feb 2, 2009
Ok this just happend today and I have tried the Installer fix error that people were getting installer errors but this problem seems to be alittle differnt and really really annyoing and I can not find a fix anywhere yet. What is going on is When I download something in firefox the download finishes but the file is not there the download is litterally gone, both in IE and Firefox are doing this. :confused:

I just totally dropped the UAC to the lowest setting I had it set to 2nd to lowest setting and after setting it to the lowest setting from what it seems is that I can download stuff now, what I tried was I did a view image on Google and downloaded that. not sure why I would have to kill the UAC completely any thoughts?

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Try going to C:\users\yourname\AppData\Roaming and delete all references to Firefox. Firefox only, don't delete any other files in that directory.

Then go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Temp and delete all files and folders.

Also go to C:\windows\temp and delete everything in that folder.

When uninstalling programs I suggest you use a freeware utility that cleans out more junk than the typical uninstall program does. it's called RevoUninstyaller and you can download it here:
Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems

Then try re-installing Firefox.
I'm don't think UAC has anything to do with it. I turned mine completely off and can download from both Firefox and IE.

By default IE downloads to the C:\users\yourname\downloads directory.

Try locating that in Windows Explorer an see if the files are there. In IE, simply look at the download box and you should be able to see the path it's downloading to.

You could also do a search for the filename you downloaded.

It was something with the UAC, because befor I could download files and for some reason today it just stopped I knew where all my files were downloading and even tried differnt directories.

Same error here

my Firefox stops saving the DL and then my IE just locks up. Now I have no internet browser and must use my other PC. :mad:

I have to install firefox again and I'm not sure what to do with ie or I may just do a complete repair of the OS. This happened when AVG was updating and some error occur between UAC defender then and afterward all my programs have some installer problems.

Also, when I run IE there are two entries in task manager. Any thoughts?

Did I mention my system blue screened before all this happened? Cant' wait for an update.

Will check event view tonight and post any errors I see. IF nothing then it was a virus or something.

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I have tried the Installer fix error that people were getting installer errors

I should have asked earlier, but since you started a new thread, I don't know what you did to perform this installer issue.

If you could describe that further, i could possibly help more.

In IE, save the file directly to the desktop.

Let me know what happens

I should have asked earlier, but since you started a new thread, I don't know what you did to perform this installer issue.

If you could describe that further, i could possibly help more.

In IE, save the file directly to the desktop.

Let me know what happens

I should have been more specific. I believe the update of the AVG program and Windows Update on 2-1-09 may have conflicted with each other, as they both ran at the same time. As they were both installing I was using Firefox and clicked on a link and then got a blue screen. after reboot my firefox ran but wouldn't DL to disk. I double checked the folder and it's all good, but when I run firefox a installer.blah error pops up.

When I run IE it just locks and does nothing, but sometimes looks like it's thinking but nothing is happened and I cannot click on the window. Something screwed with the installer wizard or something messed with the registry to make all this happen. I only say that because I tried to uninstall firefox and it says an error occured and this happens with AVG too. Not sure if I have the level of expertise to figure out what actually happened but I'll look at the Event Log to see what I can learn.

Since all Windows updates create a restore point, see if you can go back to an earlier date, then install each update separately.

Since all Windows updates create a restore point, see if you can go back to an earlier date, then install each update separately.

Tried that but it didn't work. I've tried reinstalling firefox and it didn't install and got an error, install.rdf error

Try going to C:\users\yourname\AppData\Roaming and delete all references to Firefox. Firefox only, don't delete any other files in that directory.

Then go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Temp and delete all files and folders.

Also go to C:\windows\temp and delete everything in that folder.

When uninstalling programs I suggest you use a freeware utility that cleans out more junk than the typical uninstall program does. it's called RevoUninstyaller and you can download it here:
Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems

Then try re-installing Firefox.

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Try going to C:\users\yourname\AppData\Roaming and delete all references to Firefox. Firefox only, don't delete any other files in that directory.

Then go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Temp and delete all files and folders.

Also go to C:\windows\temp and delete everything in that folder.

When uninstalling programs I suggest you use a freeware utility that cleans out more junk than the typical uninstall program does. it's called RevoUninstyaller and you can download it here:
Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems

Then try re-installing Firefox.

Thanks for that program! Work very well. I'm cleaning out stuff now will update.

Edit: OK got firefox back up but AVG is still showing as installed but I didn't use REvo in advance mode and may have screwed that up. I'm trying CCleaner now and see if I can get AVG reinstall after this. Ok all fixed. Finally. I had to regedit and delete all entries and delete all folders associated with AVG then it reinstalled.

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I was going to mention the registry, but I didn't know if you were an experienced user and new the registry structure.

Even after doing an uninstall using Revo, I use another program to make sure it's completely gone.

It's called RegSeeker and can be downloaded here:
|MG| RegSeeker 1.55

Make sure to look over the entries very carefully, before removing items. Regseeker does keep a backup in .reg format if you need to undo the changes.

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I was going to mention the registry, but I didn't know if you were an experienced user and new the registry structure.

Even after doing an uninstall using Revo, I use another program to make sure it's completely gone.

It's called RegSeeker and can be downloaded here:
|MG| RegSeeker 1.55

Make sure to look over the entries very carefully, before removing items. Regseeker does keep a backup in .reg format if you need to undo the changes.

I'll try it out, thanks.
