Windows 7 Drag and Drop

Joe S

Excellent Member
I've seen a lot of questions on this all over but no real answers. I like to be able to drag and drop files and folders where I want them but Windows 7 always rearranges them. Anybody find a work around or utility to restore this? I've played around in folder settings but haven't found anything useful. It's my one real annoyance about Windows 7.
Until MS decide to bring out an update, it is something you will have to live with. In Windows Explorer- View, you can select , under choose details, somthing like 300 different options. Any you select, will then be available under the "Sort by" option. This was a very generous amount of options, as anyone would agree. Unfortunately, among those details, they did not offer users a "random" or customise option.
A sticky might be a good idea. I see the question all over. I was hoping maybe somebody had figured out a little hack or regedit that works. When I edit pictures I miss it the most. Despite all of the sort options the one a lot of people want is sadly missing.