VIDEO Driver tries to run over Kentucky snowman which had tree trunk has base

Driver tries to run over Kentucky snowman which had tree trunk as base
In a quirky yet entertaining incident captured on video, a driver attempted to run over a creatively built snowman in Northern Kentucky. This snowman wasn't just any pile of snow; it featured a tree trunk as its base, giving it character and a unique sense of personality.
A local homeowner shared the footage, which quickly gained traction online. They described the moment as "instant karma," presumably referring to the repercussions faced by the driver after their reckless behavior. The snowman, crafted by Cody Lutz, his fiancée Lucy, and their friends, represents not only winter fun but also the community spirit embodied by the builders.
Despite the driver's intentions, the snowman, with its sturdy trunk foundation, remained intact, much to the delight of onlookers. Such incidents highlight the charm and creativity that locals often display during the winter season, turning ordinary snow into extraordinary art.
The snowman serves as a reminder of the joy and whimsy that winter can bring, alongside a humorous take on reckless driving. It sparks discussions about community pride and the light-hearted stories surrounding snowy weather.
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