
New Member
Feb 10, 2019
Link Removed / Link Removed

CPU: Link Removed ($354.90 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Link Removed
Motherboard: Link Removed ($389.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Link Removed ($104.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Link Removed ($184.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Link Removed ($46.12 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Link Removed
Video Card: Link Removed
Case: Link Removed ($63.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Link Removed
Total: $1144.87
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-10 05:53 EST-0500

Hi there, this the list above is my current PC.
I have made multiple posts regarding my issues i've been having is the past few weeks looking for advice on reddit. Link Removed, Link Removed, Link Removed, Link Removed

Main issue

So for the Past 1.5 years with my current PC build I have been having intermittent to regular BSOD every day (although sometimes there would be days without a BSOD) In which there has been no apparent trigger.
I happens just as often if I am watching youtube videos with nothing else open or in a game, nothing I have done and worked out what is causing the crash.

Every BSOD will generally have a different error code. (Reference by pointer, Driver, overran stack buffer, Kernel stack locked at exit and more)

I have uploaded a copy of my DxDiag here (------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this r -

My original components were a

  • (Asus MAXIMUS VIII RANGER) Motherboard
  • (G.SKILL Ripjaws V DDR4 2400 C15 2x8GB) Ram
  • (Corsair CX600) PSU

Steps I have tried

With previous RAM+Motherboard I tried lots of different BIOS settings, updated the bios, tried RAM in different slots and did lots of memory tests. Originally I used the in windows MemTest HCI as it was easier to use and it threw up errors with my RAM in every slot on the motherboard and in every configuration with different (less aggressive RAM timings). NOTE: I have never overclocked anything in my PC.
And talking to someone via reddit over 50 posts (Link Removed) We concluded ahh must be the RAM is faulty.
I then purchased Corsair CMK16GX4M2A2666C16 Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) off Amazon and tried it again in the PC. The BSOD issue hadn't been fixed so I then ran a Memtest with MEMTEST86 on the USB and after 2 passes it gave no errors (So I assumed it wasn't the RAM anymore).

So after more posting and back and forth on Reddit I then tried a few other things. I have seated and re thermal pasted the CPU even though I have never had issues with temperatures.
So then with help of my next Link Removed
I've run sector scans on all my drives, I've tried running it on the internal graphics with the GPU removed from the machine and it still BSOD. I've done intels diagnostic program, I've used samsungs magician to check the SSD.

It was suggested it was most likely to be the motherboard (with all the random BSOD messages if it isn't the RAM), so I bought a new motherboard (ASUS Prime Z270-P) and at the same time bought a new power supply incase it was due to a failing power supply. (Although am not as upset to have replaced this as upgraded to a gold rated modular instead of bronze non-modular)

So after replacing the Motherboard and PSU with new ones, I was still having the BSOD.
I then today have reinstalled Windows 10 from new and before I had any chance to install any other programs it blue screened same as before and has been doing the same later on with about 4-5 blue screens today already.

I have got a link to a google drive folder with my most recent BSOD dumps from today incase they can shed any light on anything. Link Removed

What do I do now?

So basically am having a bit of a nightmare at the moment am trying to juggle studying for Uni whilst trying to diagnose my PC which works perfectly 90% of the time and runs as though there are no issues in games etc. However the 10% of the time where it keeps BSOD is frustrating me to no end have put up with it for 1.5 years and now that I have been replacing and spending lots of money (£260) and countless hours unbuilding and rebuilding my PC and reinstalling windows twice, running countless Memtests going into the BIOS for hours etc etc etc I am still nowhere closer to fixing the issue. If anything I am downgrading my PC with worse components (motherboard) in hope to fix it and then not getting anywhere. I can't really afford to keep buying new components which I can't easily afford on a PC I didn't even want to "upgrade", was hoping not to have to change any components for years as it runs the stuff I do so well.

What I'm looking for

Absolutely any advice you might be able to offer me, any help and comments are greatly appreciated sorry for the long post but all these issues have been driving me insane!

Have attached some DMP files and a memory.dmp file

Thanks a lot for any advice, MrNeski.



having gone over the wealth of information supplied (many thanks as this does help) it's hard to know what to suggest.

As this keeps happening despite several new components then everything else has to be considered suspect even if it passed a diagnostic test.

I don't suppose you have a friend who lives close by with a similar system do you? You could then, friend allowing, test each component.

Even a computer store might be able to test the components for you?

Have you tried pulling the motherboard out of the case, laying it on top of your old motherboard box, connect everything up and see if it runs ok?

Just to make sure you don't have a short in the case or something similar?

Lastly when installing windows do you use a...

having gone over the wealth of information supplied (many thanks as this does help) it's hard to know what to suggest.

As this keeps happening despite several new components then everything else has to be considered suspect even if it passed a diagnostic test.

I don't suppose you have a friend who lives close by with a similar system do you? You could then, friend allowing, test each component.

Even a computer store might be able to test the components for you?

Have you tried pulling the motherboard out of the case, laying it on top of your old motherboard box, connect everything up and see if it runs ok?

Just to make sure you don't have a short in the case or something similar?

Lastly when installing windows do you use a version you have saved or do you go and burn a new iso from the Windows 10 download page?


having gone over the wealth of information supplied (many thanks as this does help) it's hard to know what to suggest.

As this keeps happening despite several new components then everything else has to be considered suspect even if it passed a diagnostic test.

I don't suppose you have a friend who lives close by with a similar system do you? You could then, friend allowing, test each component.

Even a computer store might be able to test the components for you?

Have you tried pulling the motherboard out of the case, laying it on top of your old motherboard box, connect everything up and see if it runs ok?

Just to make sure you don't have a short in the case or something similar?

Lastly when installing windows do you use a version you have saved or do you go and burn a new iso from the Windows 10 download page?
Nope don't have any friends nearby with similar systems etc.

I did go to a PC shop and told them my issues and he just recommended selling every component and starting from scratch (which seems to be what is happening currently :( etc)

I haven't tried taking the motherboard out of the case however it happened the same with old motherboard when it was in a different case and with both motherboards in the new case I got 9ish months ago the issues didn't change between. I installed the motherboard in the way said in the various manuals.

On a reddit thread someone mentioned to try reinstalling windows on a new SSD incase that could be causing it although unlikely. My current ssd is a m.2. 500GB so is quite pricey so if was to try a new one for testing would likely get a 128GB Non-m.2. SSD on amazon for £19 and try running it though that. If that does fix it then I would get a new M.2. 500gb for ~£120 ish.

Someone else mentioned it could also be the CPU, without changing my Motherboard for the 2nd time I could get a 2nd hand one of eBay either i7-6700k for ~£200 or a i7-7700k for ~£280-300. But as I'm sure you can appreciate its quite a lot to spend on the whim that it might be the cause of my issues.

So my PC runs perfectly fine 99% of the time as though there are no issues, boots up fine, runs games fine, no issues on any diagnostic tests (although for hardware is hard for software to tell). And then the 1% of the time it just BSOD randomally, diff error message every time.

I posted on tenforums the other day Frequent BSOD for over 1.5 years have just replaced my RAM, PSU, MB. - Windows 10 Forums and they suggested running in safe mode to see if it happens during that time as well (have tried this in the past and it didn't help but will try again). Also someone else mentioned a Intel raid controller driver (11/04/2011 19:48:16 C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iaStorV.sys) which when I'm home I'll look into.

So at the moment I'm a bit at a loss of the order of which to try things as I don't want to be spending more and more money with no resolution in site. My current thoughts are.

  1. Try the safe mode + look into the intel raid controller driver thingy. Possibly try messing with the BIOS settings a bit incase that can do anything.
  2. Order a £19 SSD off amazon and try running windows 10 through that, if that works get a new £120 SSD. If not go to step 3
  3. Consider looking into getting a new CPU for testing (not ideal) as very expensive to buy as a test.

Everytime I reinstalled windows I downloaded a new ISO onto a USB drive.
