
New Member
Mar 6, 2010
recently i tried updating my computer after the update finished, (microsoft SQL server didnt install correctly) i restarted my computer, when it turned back on i noticed that my wireless connections werent working and my USB/SD slots didnt work.
So I went into the device manager and found that disabling them and re-enabling them would fix the problem until I turned to computer off. BUT now whenever I start up my computer again I have to go in the device manager and disable and enable all of the non-working things. this takes about 5-10 minutes everytime i turn it on and is REALLY annoying. Ive tried updating the drivers but it doesnt work, it says theyre up to date and working right (and their not).

so if anyone can help me itd be greatly appreciated


What MB are you using ?? What wireless card are you using ?? Don't trust the driver that comes with Windows Update. Because it normally don't pick the latest or best driver. Go to your Manufactures website and download the latest driver that supports Windows 7 and install them.

Hope this helps,

What MB are you using ?? What wireless card are you using ?? Don't trust the driver that comes with Windows Update. Because it normally don't pick the latest or best driver. Go to your Manufactures website and download the latest driver that supports Windows 7 and install them.

Hope this helps,

thanks ill try that. now that i look at it most of the drivers that dont work on startup are Intel ill try their website in a little while
