Windows 7 Dx11 and games...


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
No 1:

No 2:When ilooked at the size of AoeII(i still play it) and the size of the games that came with Vista i noticed there isn't too much difference so i thought it would be cool to add it for free with vienna(i am actually going to ask it on the msdn forums)

No 3:let's make this the main topic about all games in vienna...

Well I think games in Vienna are going to be a pain. Currently any vista games you need like a crazy load of ram and a Graphics Card that has enough power to light a few Christmas trees. I just don't know what will be come of Vienna. It's hard to tell with the buggy vista out right now.

Well,hopefully there will be better graphics(actually i'm sure of that)...

Ya I'm sure there will be also.

I think that if games are going to be better, it really depends on the game develorers, not on Microsoft. For example, Crysis, from Crytek has auesom graphics, but it took forever to come out. So, auesom things can be done, but if it really happens is another matter.

Well as games get bigger,the more do the game developers companyes get bigger,and in the end we might end up wqith just 2-5 game developers with around 20 very good games(which might be sad)...

I hope this game will be working under vienna:

It's released in 2009,so...
