Windows 10 Errors after regular Windows update


New Member
Sep 12, 2019
After I let my computer go through the automatic regular Windows update a few weeks ago, a few things became so strange with my computer.
First, if I click the windows button, then it only shows “Shut down” and “Restart”. Before my computer did the regular Windows update, it showed “Sleep”. Of course “Sleep” is very useful.

Second, I used to use the second monitor. It was very useful. I could just drag and drop something to the second monitor’s screen. It’s gone now. Both of my monitors are connected to the same place. I tried changing USB ports, unplug-and-replugged all possible things. But now the dual screen does not work. It’s just black screen. The main monitor works.

Is this a known problem? How can I fix it?
1. Check if your hiberfil.sys file still exists on your system, if its missing then this is probably the reason you don't have the sleep option anymore.

2. Check your device manager and see if the driver is still there for your screen, update the current driver or download a driver for the missing screen and install it.
Thank you. But isn't hiberfil.sys for hibernation? Isn't it different from sleep? It seems people are saying hibernation is for laptop. My PC is desktop.

Yes they are different. During sleep the system is still running but in low power mode. Many devices don't support a sleep state so they usually turn off. During sleep the system memory is still active and therefore everything is still loaded in memory. In hibernate the contents of memory are dumped to a file and the computer is powered off.