Windows 7 Explorer Keeps Freezing


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
First off, Hi :) I'm new here.

My Problem:

Yesterday my PC was working fine when I was using it for one of my classes. I shut it off when it was time to go and when I started it back up a few hours later. As soon as it got past the boot logo it went to BlueScreen and shut back off. Up until that point my PC had been running absolutely perfect so I'm not sure where the blue screen came form. My PC is maybe 6 months old and I take good care of it.

Since then (pretty sure it started after I got the blue screen), my explorer has been randomly freezing. It doesn't give me the "Explorer is not Respinding" pop up or anything like that. It just freezes and I cannot click on anything in the taskbar, min/max any of the windows or anything at all. I can mouse over it but nothing happens when clicking. I can still use whatever program I am in usually. The way I get it to unfreeze is CTRL+ATL+Delete and start the task manager and that seems to fix the problem.

The only thing new I did with my PC was install Adobe InDesign CS6 while I was sitting in class. I don't think that is what cause it but it was fine up until that point so I'm not sure. I've restored my PC to an earlier point that was created before I installed InDesign and it is still doing it.

Any ideas or suggestions?

I already backed everything up and am planning to do a fresh install of Windows. But I wanted to check and see if there was an easier solution before I went that far.

System Specs:

Windows 7 64 bit
Intel Core i5
Nvidia GeForce GT 630M
8 gigs of DDR3 RAM


I'd start by running Malwarebytes and see if you picked up any thing.
When you say explorer do you mean Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer is freezing.

Also run CCleaner and get rid of any junk you have, then look at start-up using CCleaner and see if there are things running at startup that you don't need.

Use the free version...

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If you are talking about Internet Explorer try uninstalling and re-installing it.

You can do that through ad remove programs / Windows components.


By "Explorer" I meant thee windows explorer. I'm running Malwarebytes, as I planned too, and it already came up with 5 things but I can't see what they are yet. Hopefully whatever it picked up is my problem. I use IoBit advance system care for optimization and I think it already gets rid of junk for me.

Malwarebytes picked up a few things from funmoods and I got rid of those. My PC seems to be fine now except the explorer just froze again, but I was exiting a game so maybe the CPU was still trying to close something up. Hopefully all is well now, thanks for the help :)

Edit: Yah, it's still doing it :/

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Have you run SFC /scannow from the prompt?

Open the C:\ prompt by right clicking on it and selecting Run As Administrator.

Type in SFC scannow and let it run the system file checker.

See if it finds and fixes anything.


Well, I ran the scan and the only thing it fixed was some .dll files I had patched to have the ability to use 3rd party themes, everything else was good. After that I ran a full system scan with ESET Smart Security 6 and it picked up a bunch of things that Norton 360 never picked up when I was running a trial version of it. It was all pretty much what ESET marked as "unwanted applications" after I got rid of some of those and rebooted everything seems to be fine since then.

Thank you for your help! It's much appreciated.


Glad you got it fixed.

