
New Member
Feb 20, 2009
After installing Win 7 on this computer I decided to use the Easy Transfer system (using migwiz file) to copy documents and settings across from another computer that uses Vista.

The transfer occurred OK and then required a restart on finishing. From that point onwards there was no way I could start this computer. I constantly received a BSOD followed by a screeen to select repair, safe mode etc. No matter what I did the machine would crash out and go through the same sequence again. I tried changing Boot priorities in the BIOS but still could not access the optical drive or anything else. I tried all sorts of BIOS settings but still could not get to the hard drive or the optical drive.

In the end, I physically removed the hard drive, connected it to another computer and reformatted it. A reinstall of Win 7 went smoothly and this time I have done installations and copied files and programs one at a time, with no problems.

The moral of the story is: DON'T USE EASY TRANSFER! Unless of course you have good restorable backups at the ready. Unfortunately I did not.

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while I'm in agreement that easy transfer sound like you've got other hardware errors. Let me get this straight...once you got the BSOD you decided to do a reinstall?

Yes. The BSOD was only on screen for a second or so and then it crashed out to the beginning of the start up sequence once more.

Hi guy -- Most of these "Dumbed down" applications are a real pain when they don't work as you can't get any decent diagnostics - break points etc etc.

I'm rather against this "Easy this" / "Easy that" / "One click Internet install" etc etc. Unfortunately this seems to be the trend everything is taking these days -- more and more apps now install directly from the NET -- no more download to a disk and install later. This makes re-installing a real pain especially if you like messing around with different hardware which sometimes needs a CLEAN OS install to get rid of all the junk left by previous hardware drivers etc etc.

If you have your data on separate Disks / partitions there should never be any problems in accessing it after installing a new OS.

Just backup and restore your data with a decent backup program (GHOST, ACRONIS, PARAGON etc etc.)

Using standard Networking and plenty of the excellent free FTP programs also work fine -- I'm still using WS_FTP which has been around since Windows 95 days and still works fine on W7 X-64 !!


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