Many people are making posts on how well the performance of Win7 is compared to Vista or XP. It isn't. There have been several benchmarks testing Vista en Win 7 and they perform just as good, not better nor worst.
It's a clear case of Imago, it's a clear case of a very good operating PR-team at the side of MS.
Never the less i'm having fun using Win7.
However there are some major problems in the combination of Win7 and FSX.
# 1 is adding scenery.
world>scenery library> add [.your scenery place]
What happens is that when you click OK when adding scenery, you go 1 level down, so from let's say a folder called KLAX [for LA airport] some where on your HD you go a level down and see the scenery folder. Now you can click OK as many times as you like but you won't go any where.
The solution is simple: after you've clicked ok when reaching the KLAX folder, in the next frame you will have to click in the open space next to the scenery folder [or somewhere in that window] and tadaaaah there's your scenery.
More troublesome is the fact that you could get an CTD when you try to open one of the menues whilst flying. Win7 wil be starting puzzeling to find out what's going on and come up with a message that it has to close FSX.
Never had that one in Vista before, nor in XP.
One more for the record: everything freezes when you change a setting in the default GPS [from 20 NM to 500nm for instance] Just when you start getting worried that you've got another CTD it moves on.
My system: i7 -950 / Win7 64bits, 6Gb ram, Nvidia 9800 [my GTX 250 broke down and is on it's way back to me] 900w power. RAID10 [1TB]
So IMHO Win7 isn't that good, Vista 64 bits is better [for FSX]