
New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Ghost failed *UPDATED* How can i clone Win7?

Ok... Some background information.... Wall of text incomming.. (Problem changed, read bottom)

I purchased a new/faster Hard drive. I did not what to have to format and reinstall on the new drive. So, i used Ghost to copy my C Drive over to a new partition. Well, it worked.... ish..... I still have the original C Drive (marked as C:). But my new partition is H: on the new drive. but C and H have little windows logo above them. Looking at my environment variables, most of the windows ones (temp, tmp, etc) are point to the H drive. But others are pointing to C drive... Well, due to this problem, i cant install ANYTHING that uses the Microsoft Installer. Examples inclulde Windows Updates, Java, Open Office, and the new Virtual Box.

I am about to just format and reinstall everything... But figured i would see if anyone has any clever ideas first.

If you need any more information, just ask and i will do my best to deliver.

Windows 7 Enterprise 6.1.7600 64 Bit

Edit again:
I slightly fixed it.... I rebooted with the Win7 disc, and it asked if i wanted to repair, so then it scanned the HDs and found the C drive install to be messed up.. It said it could repair it. It rebooted, then worked like a charm. Although, i am still running on the slower HD... Anyone have any suggetions on how to "Image" my C Drive to the new/faster HD with out a completely new install?


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It seems like you've encountered some issues with cloning your Windows 7 installation using Ghost, resulting in a mix-up of drive letters and system variables. Here are steps you can take to properly clone your Windows 7 installation to the new/faster hard drive without resorting to a fresh install:

Cloning Windows 7 to a New Hard Drive:​

  1. Use a Reliable Cloning Tool: Instead of Ghost, consider using a tool like Clonezilla or Macrium Reflect for disk cloning. These tools are more modern and reliable for Windows 7 cloning.
  2. Preparation:
    • Backup Important Data: Before proceeding with any disk operations, ensure you have a backup of all your important data.
    []Clone the...
It seems like you've encountered some issues with cloning your Windows 7 installation using Ghost, resulting in a mix-up of drive letters and system variables. Here are steps you can take to properly clone your Windows 7 installation to the new/faster hard drive without resorting to a fresh install:

Cloning Windows 7 to a New Hard Drive:​

  1. Use a Reliable Cloning Tool: Instead of Ghost, consider using a tool like Clonezilla or Macrium Reflect for disk cloning. These tools are more modern and reliable for Windows 7 cloning.
  2. Preparation:
    • Backup Important Data: Before proceeding with any disk operations, ensure you have a backup of all your important data.
    []Clone the Drive:
    • Use the chosen cloning tool to clone your existing C drive to the new/faster hard drive.
    ]Adjusting System Settings:
    • Check Drive Letters: After cloning, make sure that the drive letters are properly assigned. You can use the Disk Management tool in Windows to adjust drive letters if needed.
    []Update Boot Configuration:
    • Use the System Configuration tool (msconfig) to ensure that the correct drive is set as the boot drive.
    ]Repair Boot Issues:
    • In case of boot issues, you can use the Windows 7 installation disc to access repair options. This can help in fixing boot problems and ensure the system boots from the new drive.

      Creating an Image of C Drive:​

      If you prefer to create an image of your C drive and restore it to the new/faster hard drive, you can use tools like Macrium Reflect to create an image file and then restore it to the new drive.

      Additional Tips:​

      • Ensure that the new hard drive is connected properly and recognized by the system.
      • Double-check the system settings post-cloning to ensure everything is working correctly.
      • If you encounter any issues, booting into Safe Mode can sometimes help in troubleshooting.
      By following these steps, you should be able to effectively clone your Windows 7 installation to the new/faster hard drive without the need for a clean install. If you have any specific questions or encounter any issues during the process, feel free to ask for further assistance.
