Windows 7 Good Enough for Minecraft?


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2011
I have just bought a secondary refurbished Windows 7 laptop, mainly for when all my 4 grandkids are here. It only has 250GB of space and 4MB memory, they love to play Minecraft against each other so how much space is still good for them to play? I don't plan on loading anything that is not necessary to keep it trim but I've just done all the Windows upgrades and it's already at 197GB. Is that enough? I must say I'm very impressed with this laptop, its faster loading than my original that has 750GB and 12MB memory. I don't get it!! Thanks for any help offered.
You can check requirements in several places, one is

I do suspect your info about 4Mb memory, that was sometimes in late Win95 and Win98 --- it must be 4Gb? The hard disk space you mention is probably the free space? It should be sufficient.

Best wishes, enjoy the time with your grandkids - I just got my first one! Hooray! :up:
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Thank you so much for your help, I did the requirements check and I'm good. It IS only 4GB but runs great. Congrats on your grand-child :O)
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