Have a heart...rate Band UWP sample


Extraordinary Robot
Continuing with our Hardware Event Theme, it's Windows 10 Band Day!

Peter Daukintis, whom we usually highlight for his cool Kinect projects, a couple months ago wrote up this nice Windows 10 UWP Microsoft Band example...

Microsoft Band Heart Rate Sample – UWP

Although very simple I thought this was worth blogging as I didn’t see too many UWP (Universal Windows Platform) samples using the Microsoft Band SDK. I gave a talk recently at the Microsoft IOT Hackathon at the Microsoft Offices in Reading which involved streaming the heart rate data from the band up to Azure event hubs and I wanted to create a UWP app for it. The first step is to invoke the Nuget package manager inside Visual Studio 2015 RC to add the Band SDK to my project

Then you can use the following code (non-production ready) to display the heart rate data:


Here’s the resulting app running on my desktop:

Code is on Github here https://github.com/peted70/msband-hr-uwp-

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