Windows 8 Have admin access to everything


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
I am the only user on my computer and I am registered as a Microsoft user, yet I still have to grant admin access to run certain programs and edit certain files. How can I grant myself access to everything?
seems you have windows vista or above os version even you are the admin you will not have full control until you disable UAC (user access control)
or you have to enable built in administrator

click start run > type > "net user administrator /active:Yes" to activate built in admin and you have to start using that account

"net user administrator /active:no" for deactivate. suggestion : you do not have to do that microsoft created this option only to protect your systemits up to you now.....:upset:
thanks manipillaii. is there a happy medium in this. I don't want to risk messing anything up, but I don't like having to constantly grant admin access programs I frequent daily. how could I grant myself as much admin access without doing anything to risky?
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