Windows 7 Homegroup designation problem.


New Member
Jul 20, 2019
Hello everyone! I am having a problem with homegroup.
I access internet by connecting to my home WiFi. However, everytime I restart my router, Windows recognise it as a new homegroup even though I change nothing in my router settings. I tried merging different homegroup together, but that didn't seem to work. Can anyone tell me what's the problem and how to correct it?
My system: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit


It seems like you're having persistent issues with HomeGroup settings getting reset when your router restarts. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this problem:

1. Network Profile Detection:
- Ensure that your network profile is correctly identified as "Home" instead of "Public." Windows can reset HomeGroup settings if it identifies the network as Public upon restart.

2. Recreating HomeGroup:
- Consider leaving the existing HomeGroup and creating a new one from scratch. This can help if there are lingering configuration issues causing the reset.

3. Restart Services:
- Restarting the necessary services related to HomeGroup can sometimes resolve intermittent problems.
- To do this, you can open the Run dialog (Win + R) and run services.msc. Locate services like "HomeGroup Listener" and "HomeGroup Provider," then restart them.

4. Ensure Router Settings:
- Check your router settings to ensure that no settings are configured to reset upon restart, especially anything related to network configuration or subnet settings that might impact HomeGroup detection.

5. Router Firmware Update:
- Consider updating your router's firmware to the latest version if available. This can address potential bugs or issues that may affect networking functionality.

6. Network Troubleshooting:
- Perform network troubleshooting steps such as releasing and renewing your IP address, flushing DNS cache, or running network diagnostics to identify any underlying connectivity issues.

7. Advanced Troubleshooting:
- If the issue persists, you may want to dive deeper into system logs and Event Viewer to identify any specific errors or warnings related to HomeGroup functionality.

By following these steps and ensuring that both your Windows settings and router configurations are set correctly, you should be able to stabilize your HomeGroup setup. If the problem continues, advanced troubleshooting may be required to identify the root cause of the recurring HomeGroup resets.
