Windows 7 how do I make it all look normal?


New Member
Nov 23, 2009
I just switched to windows 7. My husband says it is great but I can't get past the look. I want my green start button. I want my folders to look like folders. like the folders that have images on the front of what is in them, or just a blank yellow one with the name BELOW the folder not this half-open-don't-know-what-is-in-it-folder weirdness... How do I get it so I can use my computer again?
Well first, you are doing pretty good.. you got here! Second, in Windows Explorer there are 6 ways to list your files, and if you multiply that by the optional 4 size factors, you have 24 possible ways to view your files, then you can turn on or off the preview view giving you 48 total view options. It's probably just a matter of clicking the "change your view" options till you find the one you are familiar with.

As for the color of the start menu button you can do it, but the level of complexity may be more than it's worth... and there are only 3 options. Here is how:

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Also, google menu orb

and figure out some fancy tricks to share with us... we are mostly "under the hood" "meat and bones"...
thanks. I really don't mind change. (I know I sound like I do), I just don't like it when it messes with my life this bad. especially when it is totally random and unnecessary.

does your wife have a clicky too?

ok, now how do I change a file type without getting another program? I used to be able to just select the part after the dot and change it. like from .txt to .htm. now I need to change a file that thinks it's a .psd but it is really a .pat.
I don't think so. But then I have no idea what a clicky is. At least I've never heard her making clicky sounds.

You probably need to Take Ownership of the file. There is a registry tweak download that will add Take Ownership to the right click menu.

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Ok, I guess she doesn't. I love my IBM clicky keyboard. it goes clicky clicky, clicky, clicky when I type. My husband is always making fun of me for my loud typing, but I just love the feel of this keyboard. It just feels sooo much better then my laptop. But it is from an era before the win key so there is just a blank nothing there. Link Removed)

I have ownership of the file. But it won't show me the file type in the name. instead of showing me file.type it just shows me file. I think it used to be a setting somewhere that you had to enable to show those things but I can't remember where it was and I have no idea if they decided to take that option away too.
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You can show file types.

Open: Windows Explorer.
Click: Organize - Search options.
Click: the View tab
In Advanced settings: uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types".

That should do it.
It would seem.....

You may be refering to the "Classic" style.
MS in their Infinite wisdom have decided we as users NO longer need it, and it has been removed.
I like the OLD "CLASSIC" style and we will NOT be going to WIN7.
You can show file types.

Open: Windows Explorer.
Click: Organize - Search options.
Click: the View tab
In Advanced settings: uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types".

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