Windows 7 How to Organize Favorites in Alphabetical Order

For the main menu, right click "Favorites" and then one of the submenus. You will have an option to sort by name. You can do the same with each folder underneath that menu.
If you alter the aranged order, by drag and drop manually, you will have to delete the key again.

If you have a frequent habit of doing this, You may find the attached reg patch useful.I have altered the suffix only for the purpose of downloading. Change .txt to .rteg and place the file somewhere accessible. Now, when you double-click the file (to launch it, IE stops adding new items in alphabetical order.

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For the main menu, right click "Favorites" and then one of the submenus. You will have an option to sort by name. You can do the same with each folder underneath that menu.
If you alter the aranged order, by drag and drop manually, you will have to delete the key again.

If you have a frequent habit of doing this, You may find the attached reg patch useful.I have altered the suffix only for the purpose of downloading. Change .txt to .rteg and place the file somewhere accessible. Now, when you double-click the file (to launch it, IE stops adding new items in alphabetical order.
RAK, you mean .reg right? Not .rteg

I mean a lot of different things when I sit in front of the keyboard, but my sausage fingers do not obey me! Yes, you are correct. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to edting, the edit time had expired.

I mean a lot of different things when I sit in front of the keyboard, but my sausage fingers do not obey me! Yes, you are correct. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to edting, the edit time had expired.
I hate that edit time out. I wish we could dispense with it.

I must confess that I was also lazy (and a little short of time). I could have reposted. It might have been important for the OP. But I guessed he could figure it out!

Since forum posts seem to live on forever, it's VERY beneficial for a poster to go back and bring his/her post up to date.

Almost all the OLD forums that I still belong to have done away with the edit timeout a long time ago. It's such a pain in the arse to have to dig up an admin or moderator to fix something for you when it would be so easy to just fix it yourself.
I'm constantly updating things like links, that I posted two or three or even five years ago to some forum or another.
That usually happens when some new member dredges up some old thread and then posts, "HEY! that link you posted doesn't work!".

Admins and moderators: Please remove the edit timeout. It serves no good purpose.

Old Timer

I've forwarded your post to the staff forum, if I'm not mistaken, I believe there is a reason we don't allow people to edit posts after a certain amount of time. I'll PM you with the results. :)

Please don't take it that I'm griping, grumbling or just plain complaining..... I'm NOT!

It's just that I've been doing this stuff for way too long and I've seen every problem that can come up with a forum and posts to it.
I even run my own forum, so I know this stuff first hand.
Every OP should have the ability to go back and make corrections or updates to their posts, to keep them current and correct.
Or, you wind up with a forum that's full of incorrect or/and outdated info. Links to web sites are especially fragile and time sensitive as they can change at any time.


Old Timer :)
