
New Member
Mar 9, 2017
I did a lot of research these days and found no useful informations (to me, at least): I want a simple program to read CPU (and possibly GPU) temperatures, but I also want that program to send those values to a usb (connected to an arduino), making programs like Speedfan or HWMonitor not suitable for what I need.

Is it possible to get these temperatures, or should I just have a program (like Speedfan) to log the values and another one reading them and sending them to the usb ?

Just wanted to know if it is possible to write one myself, given some guidance and some study from my side (new to programming), or if it is better to have a program to do the job. Some people on the internet say you can get those temps with WMI, others say it is not a reliable method because you need to write a kernel driver -I'm confused-
Thanks in advance Link Removed
Thanks for reply, but I already know a lot of programs like that. My question is: is it simple/possible to write a program that reads CPU and GPU temperatures ? Or is it better to have another program do the readings and pull those up ? I'm trying to figure out if it can be done because I don't need voltage, clock or RPM readings: I just need those two values, all the other features on those programs are wasted (and a -small- waste of performance and energy too)