
Honorable Member
Sep 6, 2010
HAPPENED TODAY. I haven't switched the laptop off since this happened (in case that helps find it!!).

I was working on a Doc and decided to put it into a different folder, which I did. I also happened to empty the Recycle Bin. So the original was deleted!

When I went to work again on the doc, now in its its new folder, it wasn't in the new folder!! Ooops! I have searched nearby folders in case!!.

I looked on line and found free and trial software to download that retrieves lost files. Ended up trying 3 different ones to no avail. None of them are bringing up that document. In fact they dont seem to be recovering any docs from Jan 2015 that have been deleted.

kvisoft -
EasyUS Data Recovery

The first two programmes go thru everything on the drive without offering an option to even limit the search - even to documents - so it takes ages (to do a deep search). Recuva at least offered choices of Documents and Deleted from Recycle bin. It still didn't refine it further and so found many years of them. Didn't find the one I delted today or any from 2015. Such a pity these programmes don't allow a seach for a Doc lost TODAY or at least some more refinement for those of us who know exactly when it went.

Anyone have any idea of what else I could try. I am not a techno wizz.

I've always found recuva to be good. You should download and install it to some place other than the drive on which the lost file was stored then allow it to run a complete search which will take some time. Rather than try to tie down the search too tightly let it do a complete search for all deleted items then search amongst the list of items found.
Since I poste, I have also tried Handy Recovery 5.5 which crased my computer. Went back in Safe Mode. All OK. Dump that one!! Then tried Auslogics which although it didn't find my doc, it was totally specific and what I would expect of a decent recovery programme. If I buy one that would be it. Then I tried Mini Tool Power Data (free to 1 gig). Not bad but not as good as Auslogics and it couldn't file the doc. Who would have believed it could have disappeared off the face of the earth.

OK I give up. All that work - gone.

An additional problem which you have probably added is the fact that recovery depends on the fact that deleteing a file only removes its enry from the file directory on the drive and not the actual data but the more you use a drive after deleting a document the less likely is your chance of recovering it as the area on which the file is stored becomes further used and overwriting the physical data. It may be that the document was never actually deleted and is still lurking in some directory other than that which you had intended to use so have you run a simple complete search of the entire drive for just the document name (not even using the file type)?

I've always found recuva to be good. You should download and install it to some place other than the drive on which the lost file was stored then allow it to run a complete search which will take some time. Rather than try to tie down the search too tightly let it do a complete search for all deleted items then search amongst the list of items found.

Thank you. With Recuva. I didn't tie down the search criteria at all. The lot. Have done it from External hard drive. Let it take its time and deep search. No go.
Thanks everyone. It just decided to vanish forever. I have started again. I will be more careful next time I tranfer a file to another folder. Ever learning.

I cant see anywhere to indicate Question Solved. I have let this go now, so dont need any more replies. Thanks so much everyone.

Thanks for the feedback - and talking of back - a lesson for all on the value of making regular data backups!
