Introduce Yourself.

I'm new here. My oldest computer is my Windows Vista lap top, had it since 2009, my Windows 7 since November 2010, and my Windows 7 is waiting to have something on it fixed by Daddy at my parents when he isn't to busy to do so, he's busy taking care of Mom, and taking care of the house so he hasn't had the time to yet, and my Windows 8.1 that I bought from my parents that was my Mom's, my newest computer because my parents can't stand Windows 8 so they sold it to me. Not that they like Windows 7 either but they deal with using it now. My Windows Vista is on my rolling desk in the living room hooked up to the router, my Windows 8.1 is in my room. I miss my Windows 7. The computer I am using right now is my Windows 8.1. I thought it was time to find out somethings about my Windows 8 so I searched for forums. I am very good at doing things on the computer but when it has a problem that needs fixing Daddy has to be called to take care of it, and I'm lucky he, and Mom are still living, considering there ages. I'm 45 now. I'm also a special needs adult living in supported living now. Aspergers Syndrome is my mental disability, and I'm smart because of that disability, although I have not so good social skills because of it. Physical ones are TMJ, headaches, and migraines.
Hi Sugar Plum!
welcome to the forum.. Always nice to read a friendly hello and I hope you get to like our little community. Any problems or not sure where something is then you only have to ask..
Hi all. New to the forum. New to most any forums. I don't do this kinda stuff much. I'm in need of a fix for a computer problem so I thought I'd check this place out. I'm lucky if I can check emails and web surf so my computer experience is nil. Don't know one thing about the working of computers. Now if your in need of 9000 gallons of jet fuel hauled across the country I'm your man but computers...

Hope someone can help. This is a new computer and I cant believe I'm having issues. I seen the bsod and it restarted. Don't know if its going to do it again but I figured I'd better get a jump on it before it becomes a big issue. I'm home 2 days a week so the computer sits at an idle 75% of the time.

Posted up my problem and waiting for some help. Thanks and god bless.
Welcome to the forum..
Hey Catdogcord!
Welcome to the forum..
Hi Harib0x,
welcome to the forum!
I'm new here and I'm not sure if this is where I'm supposed to introduce myself. I'm a retired lady who loves to work with PSPX5 and I make stationery and greeting cards. How do I put a picture in my profile? I've already sent through a question which I hope will give me an answer.
Thanks, lovinpsp
Hi Lovinpsp!
welcome to the forum.. Re your question about placing a picture, did you mean for your avatar?

Welcome to the forum. I see you have an avatar now.
my first pc was ibm-aptiva (win-95) … nine years later, upgraded to dell-8200 (win-xp, also ubuntu) … purchased my latest nine years afterward … a toshiba-satellite (win-8). upgraded to 8.1 and, finally, win-10 … no hardware upgrades for this baby(yet). with 2-2½ years already into it … guessing will replace after she's nine years old. would like to point out, been using "classic-shell" as the interface to ms's latest bid to quackery. what will 2022 bring? veritably, anything is possible … short of time-travel and anti-gravity, that is.

a composite regard to all on this forum.
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This is all "dutch" to me pnamajck.
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