
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2012
I’m hoping that those of you who are already Linux users will share some insight, perspective, and experience to help guide those of us who are ready to jump in. Some specific questions are listed below. Please answer as much as you feel inclined. All input helps. It is not necessary to respond in one sitting; feel free to edit/add as time permits. Anything else that you think is relevant/useful is welcome. This is entirely subjective opinion, no right/wrong answers. Input from people at all levels of proficiency is important. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

As “context” for your input:

  • How long have you been using Linux?

  • How would you classify your proficiency with it (novice, amateur/dabbler, experienced user, pro, certified pro)?

  • What are your needs from Linux (learn/dabble/experiment vs. use regularly as your OS)?


  • Which flavor of Linux are you currently using? What others have you tried? What recommendation or characteristics of this flavor led you to select the one you did?

  • What was your impetus for starting with Linux (curiosity/challenge, professional requirement, dissatisfaction with Windows)?

  • What is your relative usage of Linux vs. Windows (dabble in Linux/work in Windows, use both regularly, use Linux for everything except what requires Windows)?

  • Do you use Wine or have you tried it? For you, is it adequate to allow running in a Linux-only environment? What do you find to be its shortcomings?

  • For your office software suite, do you use MS Office, a different package in Windows, or a Linux-based alternative? What program?

  • For your email and calendar, do you use MS Outlook, a different package in Windows, or a Linux-based alternative? What program?

  • What are your Linux pet peeves? What do you wish was different? What functionality or features that are important to you are missing in the Linux flavor you are using? What do you find more difficult or complicated doing in Linux than in Windows?

  • What resources have you found most valuable in learning Linux and finding answers to questions?

  • For those proficient in Linux, which do you consider your primary OS, Linux or Windows? Why (e.g., easier, faster, more intuitive, more stable, dictated by your software, professional requirements)?

  • Other than running Windows-only software, what routine activities do you prefer to do in Windows rather than Linux and why?

  • If you consider Linux your primary OS, what are the reasons, besides software compatibility or professional requirements, that you continue to use Windows?

This post wasn't very well thought out. The extent is a bit overwhelming and the answers would be book length. I'll break this into bite-sized threads and spread them out over time.
