Windows 7 Maintaining format of certain folders' windows


Honorable Member
Jun 28, 2011
hi, All;

I know that opening a folder displays the content in the format of the last window I opened. Most of the time, this is fine. But there are certain windows that I would like to maintain a specific view. For example: Showing List, or displaying all Medium Icons, and set to a specific size. Is there a way to do this that anyone knows?

Thanks for reading!
You may have to be more specific as to which TYPE of window you are referring to. For instance, I can open the Root folder with medium icons and another drive with small icons. If you are involving Library folders, or Picture, etc. type of folders, it might be relevant.

hi, Saltgrass;

The folders I am referring to are just on my desktop. I have a folder on my desktop containing 2nd tier applications shortcuts. I would like this folder, when opened, to always display medium-size icons, at a size just large enough to contain them all. But any windows I may have opened previously determine the display options for all subsequent folders (including the Apps folder I just mentioned). Most folders I like to read as "Details", but a few others I'd like to have open differently.

Hey Saltgrass, thanks for listening.