
Windows Forum Admin
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Aug 28, 2007
A blog detailing a little more about Windows Blue has been posted by Microsoft:

Today, I am happy to share a “first look” at Windows 8.1 and outline some of the improvements, enhancements and changes customers will see.

The inclusion of a new Start icon is mentioned along with details concerning:
A better search function,
Improved keyboard and mouse options,
Internet Explore 11,
Cloud Connectivity,
Apps and Store improvements,
PC settings.

Lot's more is mentioned in this informative blog and IMO it's well worth a read if you want to know more about Windows Blue/8.1:

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Hi Trouble

So if I create a Folder, say on my Graphics and Video drive, named "Metro Links Folders", and then I place in it, Folders "Named Graphic Arts Software", "Games", Windows Tools, etc. each with a custom icon, and then I place a start link to all my graphic arts software in the graphic arts folder, and select "Pin to Start" I will get a folder on my Metro screen with my icon, that has a link to all my graphics software in it...

I will be able to get my start screen down to a dozen of so icons?

instead of over 100?

That sounds like a plan, I'll give it a shot.

Hi Bassfisher,

Do you know it you can download the preview and install it in a dual boot setup with your current Windows 8 installation?

Funny my mouse suddenly just slowed down to about half speed for no reason at all.
Now I'll have to go and readjust that.

Maybe it's Microsoft getting back at me for complaining. LOL


Now, that I don't know...but if I were to guess, I'd say yes, but don't hold me to it. I would recommend setting up a VM using hyper-v and test it that way. One of our members, Trouble, helped me set mine up (Hyper-V) remotely via Teamviewer. It was quite easy to follow and set up and since then I've set up a few more running Linux distros. You'll need 8 Pro or Enterprise to do so.

I was just informed that you will need this as well:
you also need 64 bit, as well as hardware support that allows for virtualization. Some core2duos which are still pretty prevalent do not support SLATs

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I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit, and an i7 6 core 4Ghz processor.
My computer is only a few months old.

My old one was hit by lightning. LOL

It has been repaired and now belongs to my niece.

I'll check out the VM software.

I would like to just install it on one of my other drives as I did the Windows 7 demo.

Does Microsoft expect people to just replace their regular installation with the beta?

I just don't like the idea of doing that until they get into final release.


Does Microsoft expect people to just replace their regular installation with the beta?
For the most part yes...for us that are savvy...we'll be using VM's and some dual booting (which I'm against).

I just don't like the idea of doing that until they get into final release.
Agreed...but since I've got my VM set problem.

As for dual booting, Trouble suggest this type of setup, which I concur.... Make a discreet install on a second hard disk. Pick which hard disk to boot to from the BIOS boot menu screen (F12 or F11). Works like a charm.


This is in response to your entry #17 of this thread.

As most folks know by now, I don't really use the Start screen, however... I do have a number of Tiles on it with which I spent some time just to enlighten myself with this aspect of Win8, what can be done & how. I do know of what you speak when trying to arrange/organise them; trying to move one, place it, position it and some other one will slip or the intended just goes where it wants, not where you are wanting... that part or stage of the effort is finicky (while they are actually being shifted about). Anyway, after come time and fussing about with positions/positioning and sizing and grouping, settled on something acceptable, to me. Once done, they stay where put or left.

I, still, go back to suggesting an alternative, a solution for you would be to just have everything listed alphabetically in a window on your Taskbar thereby any need to muck about w/ Tiles on Start.

I do understand there will be more abilities & enhancements to the functionality of this w/ Windows 8.1

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Reply to Jim's #23...

Both methods are perfectly acceptable. The choice is largely governed by availability of drive space; either a distinct partition or a physically separate drive. IF this exists, dual-boot is an easy, straight-forward, simple & quick approach. But, certainly, and especially if no drive space is empty, a virtual installation is a very viable method... and w/ embedded Hyper-V in Win8, why the heck not use it? Running a VM is especially nice because one does not have to actually go from one machine to the other, be in one or the other... just run the VM w/in the Host Machine. Either way the OS being tested (the Beta) is sharing common hardware w/the primary OS.

Have done a lot of dual-booting but, really feel VMs to be the preferred method.

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