
New Member
Apr 22, 2009
so i'm trying to get my mkvs to work in media center and they don't work. Mkvs play fine in media player 12, but when i load in MC i get a Cannot play find file. Here is screenshot
Link Removed - Invalid URL

I'm running beta 7000 x64

installed shark's windows 7 codec

Here are my registry additions:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Content Type"="video/x-matroska"

"Content Type"="audio/x-matroska"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Multimedia\WMPlayer\MIME Types\video/x-matroska]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Multimedia\WMPlayer\MIME Types\audio/x-matroska]

"Description"="Includes files with .mkv extensions."
"FriendlyTypeName"="Matroska Media File"
"MIME Types"="video/x-matroska"

"Description"="Includes files with .mka extensions."
"FriendlyTypeName"="Matroska Media File"
"MIME Types"="audio/x-matroska"

"MediaType.Description"="Matroska Media File"

"MediaType.Description"="Matroska Media File"

"819"="Matroska Media File (*.mkv;*.mka)"

"819"="Matroska Media File"



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Multimedia\WMPlayer\MIME Types\video/x-matroska]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Multimedia\WMPlayer\MIME Types\audio/x-matroska]

"Description"="Includes files with .mkv extensions."
"FriendlyTypeName"="Matroska Media File"
"MIME Types"="video/x-matroska"

"Description"="Includes files with .mka extensions."
"FriendlyTypeName"="Matroska Media File"
"MIME Types"="audio/x-matroska"

"MediaType.Description"="Matroska Media File"

"MediaType.Description"="Matroska Media File"

"819"="Matroska Media File (*.mkv;*.mka)"

"819"="Matroska Media File"



It seems like you're experiencing issues playing MKV files in Windows Media Center despite them playing fine in Windows Media Player 12. The error message you are encountering states "Cannot play find file."
Your setup includes Windows 7 Beta 7000 x64 with Shark's Windows 7 codec installed, along with various registry additions to support Matroska video and audio files.
Here are a few suggestions that might help resolve the issue:
1. Check Compatibility: Windows Media Center might have compatibility issues with certain codecs or configurations. Ensure that the codecs you have installed are compatible with Windows Media Center.
2. Codec Settings: Double-check the settings in Shark's codec pack to ensure that the MKV format is...
It seems like you're experiencing issues playing MKV files in Windows Media Center despite them playing fine in Windows Media Player 12. The error message you are encountering states "Cannot play find file."
Your setup includes Windows 7 Beta 7000 x64 with Shark's Windows 7 codec installed, along with various registry additions to support Matroska video and audio files.
Here are a few suggestions that might help resolve the issue:
1. Check Compatibility: Windows Media Center might have compatibility issues with certain codecs or configurations. Ensure that the codecs you have installed are compatible with Windows Media Center.
2. Codec Settings: Double-check the settings in Shark's codec pack to ensure that the MKV format is correctly associated with the appropriate decoder.
3. Library Refresh: Sometimes, the library in Windows Media Center needs to be refreshed to detect new file associations and changes. Try refreshing the library to see if the MKV files are recognized.
4. Verify File Paths: Ensure that the paths to your MKV files are correctly set in Windows Media Center. If the files were moved or renamed, they might not be found by Media Center.
5. Alternative Decoders: If the issue persists, consider using alternative MKV decoders or codecs that are known to work well with Windows Media Center.
6. File Permissions: Check the file permissions of the MKV files to ensure they are accessible by Windows Media Center.
If after trying these suggestions the issue remains, it might be beneficial to explore other media center applications that have better support for MKV files or update to a newer version of Windows for improved compatibility.
