Windows 7 monitor files which will going to write on disc?


New Member
Apr 8, 2013
I have to find out the details of file that are ready to write on disc?

Is there any method to find them and monitor them?

i have found that windows default disc writter use path "C:\Users\(username)\AppData


I cannot findout the burning file details , if any other burning softwares are used.

Help me to find a solution to monitor files which will going to write on disc?

To monitor and find out the details of files that are ready to be written to a disc, you can utilize various methods and tools in Windows. Here are some suggestions:

### Windows Default Disc Writer
If you are using the default Windows Disc Writing tool and the files are being written to the path "C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn," you can follow these steps to monitor the burning process:

1. Task Manager:
- Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc).
- Look for processes related to the Windows Default Disc Writer or any burning software you are using.
- Monitor the CPU and Disk usage to track the file writing process.

2. Resource Monitor:
- Launch Resource Monitor by searching for it in the Start menu search bar.
- Go to the Disk tab to see active disk activity. Look for processes writing to the disk.

### Third-Party Burning Software
If you are using third-party burning software, monitoring the files being written might be different. However, some general methods apply:

1. Software Interface:
- Check if the burning software has a status bar or log that shows the files being processed.
- Look for an option to view the currently queued files for burning.

2. Task Manager:
- Follow the same steps mentioned above in Task Manager to monitor the processes related to the third-party burning software.

### Third-Party Monitoring Tools
You can also use third-party monitoring tools to track file write operations. One such tool is Process Monitor from Sysinternals (now part of Microsoft). Here's how you can use it:

1. Download Process Monitor from the official Microsoft website.
2. Launch Process Monitor and set filters to monitor I/O operations.
3. Start the burning process.
4. Monitor the file write operations to track the files being written to the disc.

By using these methods, you should be able to effectively monitor and track the files that are about to be written to a disc, regardless of the burning software being used.
