
Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2011
What is the difference between MS Windows 7 Backup and MS Synctoy?

I am using Windows 7 Backup and only back up the four Libraries and some additional locations off of the C: drive totalling about 45 GB and Windows7 Backup now requires 151 GB of disk space on my external hard drive which only has 70 GB remaining on a 250 GB hard drive.. I think W7 Backup up creates zip files, but it seems like it uses a lot of space otherwise.

I am deciding whether to buy a larger (1 TB) external hard drive and continue backup or to start copying the libraries one at a time.

Thanks for opinions.

Windows Backup or other backup programs copy and compress some or all of your files. SyncToy 2.1 (found in Windows Downloads) keeps the files in all or some folders on two drives (or computers) in sync.

Using a backup program (Cyberlink's PowerBackup 2.5), I do a full backup once a month and a differential backup (all changes since last full backup) once a week. SyncToy 2.1 syncs my User folder between a VistaHP x64 and Win7HPx64 laptop daily (or more frequently, if I wish).

SyncToy also let's you preview what files will need to be synced in six categories before it pulls the trigger, then puts any files that were deleted in the trash, where they can still be recovered. It's fast as well. Here's what the report looks like (note the...
Windows Backup or other backup programs copy and compress some or all of your files. SyncToy 2.1 (found in Windows Downloads) keeps the files in all or some folders on two drives (or computers) in sync.

Using a backup program (Cyberlink's PowerBackup 2.5), I do a full backup once a month and a differential backup (all changes since last full backup) once a week. SyncToy 2.1 syncs my User folder between a VistaHP x64 and Win7HPx64 laptop daily (or more frequently, if I wish).

SyncToy also let's you preview what files will need to be synced in six categories before it pulls the trigger, then puts any files that were deleted in the trash, where they can still be recovered. It's fast as well. Here's what the report looks like (note the drives were in sync so it says no syncing was necessary).

SYNC: 03/31/2012 13:30:32:543: SyncToy run of My Docs (C:\Users\Cyberbiker\, \\SRM-TX2000Z\Cyberbiker\) completed at 3/31/2012 13:30:32.
SyncToy action was 'Synchronize'.
SyncToy options were:
Active for run all
All files included
No files excluded
Do not check file contents
Include read-only files
Do not include hidden files
Do not include system files
Backup older files (send to Recycle Bin)
All subfolders included
SyncToy run took 00:00:01:332.
Copied 59,944 bytes in 1 files in 00:00:01:332.
Bytes per second 45,000.4, files per second 0.8.
Avoided copying 31,141,003,301 bytes in 52,453 files that did not require action.
Saved approximately 00:13:35:704 by not copying all files.

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