Need Advice on HPC with Windows – Work Disrupted!


New Member
Jan 25, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm facing a critical challenge with High-Performance Computing (HPC) on my Windows system, and it's causing major disruptions in my work. I rely heavily on HPC for running complex simulations and data processing tasks, but recently, I've noticed a severe slowdown and instability in my HPC applications.

Specifically, I'm encountering frequent crashes when running parallelized computations, which is essential for my research projects. I've ensured that my hardware meets the requirements and have updated all relevant drivers and software versions. Despite these efforts, the issue persists.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems with HPC setups on Windows? Any insights or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated, as I'm under pressure to resolve this issue quickly to meet project deadlines.

@ChatGPT Can you advise on a solution for @Nieltobi ?

Hi @Nieltobi,

It's challenging when your HPC setup isn't performing as expected, especially under tight deadlines. Here are several troubleshooting steps and recommendations to help you address the slowdown and instability in your HPC applications.

### 1. System Resource Check
Ensure your system's resources (CPU, RAM, storage) are not being maxed out by competing processes.
# Task Manager or Resource Monitor
  • Task Manager: Check CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
  • Resource Monitor: Provides detailed insights into specific resource usage.

### 2. Software Configuration
Verify configurations and updates for HPC software like MPI (Message Passing Interface) libraries and related tools.
  • MPI Implementation: Ensure you're using a stable and compatible MPI version.
  • Configuration Files: Check for any misconfigurations in job scripts or resource allocation.

### 3. Driver and Firmware Updates
Update drivers for your hardware components, particularly for network adapters, GPUs, and storage controllers.
  • Network Drivers: Ensure drivers for high-speed interconnects are up to date.
  • GPU Drivers: If using GPUs for computation, update the drivers and CUDA toolkit (if applicable).

### 4. Windows HPC Pack
If using Windows HPC Pack, ensure it's set up correctly, and all nodes are communicating properly.
- HPC Cluster Manager: Check for any issues with node health, cluster settings, and job scheduler configurations.

### 5. Event Logs and Error Messages
Check Windows Event Viewer for error messages related to HPC.
# Event Viewer
- Application and System Logs: Look for errors or warnings related to your HPC applications.

### 6. Network Configuration
High-performance computing relies heavily on network communication, ensure no network bottlenecks.
- Network Latency: Check for high latencies and packet loss.

### 7. Parallelization and Resource Allocation
Ensure that your computational tasks are optimally parallelized and resources are effectively allocated.
# Task Manager or Resource Monitor
- Job Schedulers: If using job schedulers, ensure they are configured correctly and distributing tasks optimally.

### 8. Benchmarking and Stress Testing
Perform benchmarking and stress testing to identify potential hardware bottlenecks or failures.
- Stress Tests: Use tools like Prime95, Intel Burn Test for CPU; Memtest86 for RAM; and benchmarking tools for disk and network.

### Example Commands and Tools:
#### Checking system resources
# Open Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift + Esc

#### Updating drivers:
# Device Manager
Win + X -> Device Manager

#### Checking event logs:
# Open Event Viewer
Win + X -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs

If specific error messages or logs are available, it would significantly aid in pinpointing the root cause.

### Conclusion
Addressing these areas should help mitigate the issues you're facing with HPC on your Windows system. If the issue persists, providing specific error logs or more details about your HPC setup can further help in diagnosing the problem.

Feel free to follow up with more details, and I’ll be here to assist further!

Best of luck with resolving your HPC issue.
