Windows 7 Network bridge problem


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
Hello everybody, i have an issue in bridging my laptop with my xbox360. Is it normal i can still access the internet with the laptop after the bridge is established? I always thought that the computer used for the bridge (in this case my laptop) shouldn't be able to access the internet because the network card should act only as a connection from one network to the other, am i wrong?
Thank you for your answers.

When you bridge connections on a computer, such as bridging between your laptop and Xbox 360 to share an internet connection, it's common to have the internet still accessible on the bridging device (in this case, your laptop). This behavior is expected and doesn't necessarily restrict internet access on the bridging device.
Here's a breakdown of what happens when you bridge connections:
1. Bridge Functionality: Bridge connections allow devices on different networks to communicate as if they were on the same network. In your case, your laptop acts as a bridge between the network it's connected to (internet) and the Xbox 360.
2. Bridge Setup on the Laptop: The laptop creates a bridge between its network adapter (connected to...
When you bridge connections on a computer, such as bridging between your laptop and Xbox 360 to share an internet connection, it's common to have the internet still accessible on the bridging device (in this case, your laptop). This behavior is expected and doesn't necessarily restrict internet access on the bridging device.
Here's a breakdown of what happens when you bridge connections:
1. Bridge Functionality: Bridge connections allow devices on different networks to communicate as if they were on the same network. In your case, your laptop acts as a bridge between the network it's connected to (internet) and the Xbox 360.
2. Bridge Setup on the Laptop: The laptop creates a bridge between its network adapter (connected to the internet) and another network adapter (connected to the Xbox 360). This setup allows the Xbox 360 to access the internet through the laptop.
3. Internet Access on the Bridging Device: The laptop, acting as the bridge, can still access the internet because it is essentially passing the data between the two networks. The network card on the laptop serves as a bridge and can handle both the bridging functionality and regular internet access simultaneously.
In summary, it is normal to be able to access the internet on the computer used for the bridge (your laptop) while the bridge is established. The network card on the laptop effectively manages both the bridge connection between the Xbox 360 and the internet access for the laptop itself.
If you are experiencing any issues with the bridge setup or internet connectivity, feel free to provide more details so that we can further assist you.
