Windows 8 New Classic Shell 3.6.2


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
Classic Shell has released a new version 3.6.2. This includes the Win 8 apps on the Start Menu.

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Great when my new computer shows up I'll give it a try.
I'm a confirmed Classic Shell user anyway.

I must confess that whilst I get on fine with the Metro start menu, I am also a confirmed Classic user - It's easier to stay on the desktop. The latest version does add the Metro apps and the store. That means you can get rid of that bottom left, right click, Metro option, in the setup..
Here's something else that may be of interest.
It's something I'm going to give a try.

Look at "How to disable the charms bar", etc.

I found that this kept me from putting my Rocket Dock bar in my usual position down the right side of the screen.

I'd like to move it back to that location.

I didn't no that this was an option in Classic Shell, it drives me crazy not having my computer to try this stuff out on.

Well it's supposed to ship a week from now, right after the election.


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