Windows 7 Not getting the message 'It is Safe to remove the devive'


New Member
Jan 10, 2010

Am not getting the message 'it is safe to remove the device' when i eject my wireless broad band card. Can anyone please tell me, what is the problem?

When you eject a device from your computer, like a wireless broadband card, you should typically see a message indicating that it's safe to remove the device. If you're not getting this message, there could be a few reasons behind it:
1. Quick Removal Policy: Check if the device has the "Quick Removal" policy enabled, which allows you to remove the device without safely ejecting it. This policy eliminates the need for the safe removal message.
2. Drivers: Ensure that the drivers for the wireless broadband card are up to date. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause issues with how devices are detected and managed by the system.
3. Device Manager Settings: You can check the settings in the Device Manager for the wireless...
When you eject a device from your computer, like a wireless broadband card, you should typically see a message indicating that it's safe to remove the device. If you're not getting this message, there could be a few reasons behind it:
1. Quick Removal Policy: Check if the device has the "Quick Removal" policy enabled, which allows you to remove the device without safely ejecting it. This policy eliminates the need for the safe removal message.
2. Drivers: Ensure that the drivers for the wireless broadband card are up to date. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause issues with how devices are detected and managed by the system.
3. Device Manager Settings: You can check the settings in the Device Manager for the wireless broadband card. Right-click on the card in Device Manager and select "Properties" to access its settings.
4. Faulty Hardware: Sometimes, issues with the hardware itself can cause unexpected behavior. Try using the wireless broadband card on another computer to see if the same issue occurs.
5. Operating System Settings: Review your operating system's power and performance settings. Sometimes, power-saving modes can affect how devices are managed, including ejection notifications.
If none of these solutions work, it might be beneficial to reach out to the manufacturer's support for further assistance or troubleshooting.
