Windows 10 Nvidia Driver Fatal Error


New Member
Dec 26, 2015
Okay, so I was trying to download a driver for my nvidia graphics card when during the installation of the driver, my computer brough up a screen saying there was an error with the installation and that they were gathering information on the error, I cant quite remember what the error was called but I know it had FATAL_ERROR at the end of it, which does not sound good at all. My computer restarted but I was then greeted with just a black screen and when I move my mouse, the cursor appears and is constantly flickering between just the loading icon state and the loading and mouse icon state. I tried to search up what had happened and there were some pages saying that it could be my computer thinks it has more than one monitor because I have a nvidia and intel graphics card in my computer but doing what they said didnt fix my problem. I also dont know if this is related but Ifirst had tried to install my intel driver and once it had downloaded, it just said I couldnt install it and also, whenever I restart my computer and it tries to install an update, it always has to uninstall the update every single time it tries to update. I just want to know if anyone knows what is happening and if they know how to fix this.
Probably the easiest thing would be to go back before you installed the driver. Do you have a recent system restore point you can go back to?
Failing that you could try removing any existing drivers by running the Display driver uninstaller. This will also remove any old bits of driver left behind by previous installs.
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V15.7.2.0 Released. - Wagnardmobile Forum

You will have to boot into safe mode to use the above app. If your unsure on how to boot into safe mode this guide should help:
How to enter Windows 10's Safe Mode

Once removed re-install the latest Nvidia driver:
Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers
It may not be a good idea to jump ahead of the normal Windows update for Video drivers. It seems those files are checked with the System File Checker and will lead to errors with that even though it does not cause operational errors.

If this system is a laptop, you did try installing the M version of the driver? Do you use software on your system which would normally require the Nvidia Video adapter to be used?

Can you boot into your bios settings. There may be an option to disable the Nvidia video you could try.

Do you have an external monitor you could attach for testing?
kemical, im unable to do any of the things you have listed because, as I stated in my original post, when my computer turned back on, there was just a black screen and my mouse cursor and whenever I restart my computer, the same black screen shows up with me unable to open or click anything.
Saltgrass, I dont know what an M version is but yes, it is a laptop. I am also unable to boot to bios settings as whenever I try, it still shows only a black screen and my mouse.
Hi Asher,
the bios is accessible before you enter Windows and it's usually entered by pressing F2 or the delete key continually when booting up.
If you know any friends running Windows 10 can you get a system recovery USB created?
Creating a recovery drive - Windows Help -

Also if you post the make and model of your machine we may be able to determine the correct procedure for you to return to factory defaults so please post that information.
I can't download or install new drivers on mine to.
Hi there, can you take a screenshot of the error. I think I can help but it depends on the kind of error