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Jan 28, 2013
I was talking to HOLDUM333 yesterday, on an open thread on a Win7 help issue, and we got to talking about the old days of computer stuff, and he's even older than I am--starting to feel like a fossil now that I'm retired! :bigtongue:

So, he suggested we talk about that stuff here in the Water Cooler! Here goes...

What old stuff should we talk about??


Here's a photo of a Customer server room (in a closet) circa 2004 running Windows Server 2003 I worked on for a topic starter...


Hey BBJ! We had a 8 party telephone. Our ring was two shorts and two longs. One long ring was a emergency and everyone would pick up the phone and you could barely hear. Usually a fire some where. The phone hung on the wall and you didn't stay on it all day and text everyone. We had a black and white TV that the town bought my father who had colon cancer. We got a piece of plastic that was blue on top and green on the bottom and we called that color TV. We heated our bath water on the stove. I could go on for ever, but I'll quit for now. Will see how your thread goes and if it draws any interest! Surely there are more oldies then just you and me! We never locked our house and never worried about being robbed. No one had any thing to steal!:up::rofl:
