
Opera 49.0.2725.34

What they did do was replace their own Presto engine with Chromium Blink, which is what Chrome uses. So, yes, you could say its like running Chrome Frame in IE or something, I suppose.
What they did do was replace their own Presto engine with Chromium Blink, which is what Chrome uses. So, yes, you could say its like running Chrome Frame in IE or something, I suppose.

Well its not abandoning presto that is the issue.
Its abandoning the original design of the browser, with all of its unique features stripped.
Replaced by a half baked chrome clone.
15, 16 & 17...They seem to be popping new versions faster than I can keep up. I'm still running 12.16 until I see some compelling reason to "upgrade". Could I install 17 without it effecting my current 12.16 installation?
I doubt it. Although sometimes you can run different versions alongside each other so I guess the only way to know is to try? Maybe you'll be lucky?
New update for the Opera browser:
Opera Next 18.0.1284.26 update
Hi all,

There’s snow in Oslo and rain in Poland, but at least in Warsaw there are people walking around on the building roofs in really eye-catching vests and it makes the life brighter. No photos attached, so you have to imagine it yourself.

  • follow up corrections of Opera 18 strings
  • consistent spelling
  • extension pop-out work correctly on Mavericks now
  • certificates issues resolved
  • update chromium to 1650.48.
Known issues
  • Crash when logging in to Disqus comments - OS X only
Full changelog


The Opera browser has been updated to Version 18.0.1284.49. This update adds camera and microphone access, themes, rocker gestures, tab enhancements, as well as stability and bug fixes.
Yuk I never use Opera. I tried it when I got my first home computer and was horrible. It never played videos and did not display the web pages right. It was not user friendly at all. So I had to uninstall it. I use Google Chrome and Pale Moon browser. Opera is one browser that is actually worse than Internet Explorer.
Thank you for your opinion but this is actually an update thread for those that do use it.
Opera updated to version 20:

Opera 20 for computers: bookmarks bar and Speed Dial customization

Opera for Windows and Mac makes browsing the web beautiful, efficient and fast. We’ve now come to version 20. You can update Opera automatically, or download it.

Here are the highlights of features that we’re introducing with this version of Opera:

Drag and drop Speed Dial entries to the bookmarks bar

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See? Just pick it up, drag it and drop it. Just like that. On the bookmarks bar. That way you can access the site even when you’re not on the start page.

Drag and drop a website to your Speed Dial or bookmarks bar

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It also works the other way around. You can drag a website and drop it as a bookmark or as a Speed Dial entry.

More menu items

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We added shortcuts from the main menu to Speed Dial, Stash and Discover. That way you can go directly to any of them without opening a new tab.

More Speed Dial customization

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We added a new feature to the advanced settings. Today, Opera uses quite large thumbnails to display Speed Dial entries. You can disable this and get a much smaller size. This feature is for the minimalists out there, or those with a lot of Speed Dial entries. Note that we are still enhancing advanced settings, you can find more already in developer stream.

This is how your Speed Dial can look like with small thumbnails:

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There are a host of other improvements to make browsing safer and snappier:

  • Improved screenshots for Stash – goodbye blurry images!
  • Performance improvements for loading themes.
  • An advanced setting to confirm exit when using Command–Q on Mac.
  • A broken padlock badge in the URL bar, if the site’s certificate is not valid. This is a “proceed with caution” indicator rather than an red alert.
  • Inline installation of extensions. This makes it easy to install security-vetted extensions hosted in the Opera add-ons store, but without leaving its associated site, thereby reducing friction.
If you want more technical detail, grab the full changelog.

The Opera browser has been updated to Version 20.0.1387.77. The changes in this version include stability fixes, and a Chromium update.
Changelog for 20
20.0.1387.77 – 2014-03-13 – blog post
  • Update chromium to 1750.149.
  • DNA-16648 Adblock not working properly when opening pages in new tabs
  • DNA-17548 Crash on startup in >extensions::OneShotEvent
  • DNA-17556 download callout items won’t open
  • DNA-17722 [Windows] Tone down mixed content graphics
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