
Honorable Member
May 29, 2009
I was curious when I found a listing in the Task Manager for something simply called setup.exe with a PID of 11008, so I Googled it and it appears to be for something related to AT&T. This is even more curious for me because I don't use any AT&T services. I don't even use a regular Bell landline. Both my telephone and internet service is through Cox Cable.

The name setup.exe suggest that it installed something, but I found nothing in Programs And Features that looked unfamiliar to me. Does anyone have an idea of what this is/was for? If it did install something that is not listed in Programs And Features, where else should I look for it?
I would run MBAM, except that BitDefender doesn't get along with it. In fact it disabled MBAM when I installed the AV. I suppose I could uninstall BD just long enough to install and run MBAM, but I'm not inclined to do so. Sharing service? Nothing online, but I guess that sharing is involved on the two computers of my network. As far as streaming service, I'm not sure exactly what you mean? I do stream videos from several different websites.
You seem to be sure this is a Process ID with that number, and not a Port...

Task Manager only lists setup.exe with it, and is this a service or a Process? Is anything listed under Applications?

Depending on where it is, you might be able to right click and select properties to see if you can get any info. If it is a service, you might be able to stop it.

Do you see anything in msconfig.exe that mentions it as a startup item?
You seem to be sure this is a Process ID with that number, and not a Port...
Relatively speaking, yes. I have never seen a port listed in the CPU window of the Overview tab of the Resource Monitor before at any time or location. The number that I'm referring to is one that was listed in the PID column. PID stands for process ID, not port ID...true?
Task Manager only lists setup.exe with it, and is this a service or a Process? Is anything listed under Applications?
No. I'm less sure about whether a service could be responsible for something such as this, but I have no services that I believe are, and none that have anything to do with AT&T. I had already ended the process in the Task Manager before I posted this thread, so to double check I rebooted to see if it would reappear, and it did not.
Depending on where it is, you might be able to right click and select properties to see if you can get any info. If it is a service, you might be able to stop it.

Do you see anything in msconfig.exe that mentions it as a startup item?
No. At this point, I feel that what ever reason it was there, it is no longer valid now. Therefore my only concern is why it was there in the first place, and what it may have installed that may still be on my system.
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