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Extraordinary Member
Jul 3, 2008
I keep reading things like this all the time. But, one thing that keeps popping up every time; is Windows 8 lack of a start button (really) as there are plenty of choices, and the use of the so called two os's in one. You can use one or the other you know. So, what's the big deal? In none of these articles have I seen much or any mention at all about the economy.
Windows 8 surely is not perfect. But, it can't be nearly as bad as these articles make it out to be? Oh it does not software from 1999. Well I can't say I have seen any software from 1999, that I would desperate enough to run. And I have no wish to be that bad off, to continue running Windows XP.

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The economy is part of it. My feeling is computers are lasting users longer now. 10 years ago you bought a top of the line PC from one of the box makers and in a year or 2 it was outated and doggy because of the rapid improvement in memory and chipsets. Now the hardware advances are far less noticable by an average user. The gamers and power users are more likely to update than a regluar user with a solid Windows 7 box. On top of that Windows 8 isn't appealing to a lot of people. I tried the betas and didn't find a compelling reason to update from Windows 7. I did update from Vista to Windows 7 and there was a noticable improvement in preformance. The older software is an issue for a lot of people. Users have special or expensive software that doesn't run on Windows 8 or isn't made any longer. Look at the cost of something like the complete Adobe Photo Shop. With 64 bit systems sometimes the software will work but the install file won't run on 64 bit. Windows 8 can be customized and work quite well but many users aren't into all of that effort and don't want to relearn how to use Windows. Windows Blue coming soon appears to have made changes so Classic Shell, Start 8 etc won't work. MS seems to be determined to force their new start page on users no matter what the user wants.

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Rumours are also abound that Microsoft intend to kill off the desktop environment too. Future MS releases will see you either using this app or that app but not in a Desktop environment. You will simply go back to a metro screen when not using an application. I'm sure that eventually these metro screens will be customised (ie windows Blue) to make them more user friendly but IMO it seems we'll be just swapping one for the other. Personally I like a desktop especially if it's got a pretty picture on it, simply having a screen full of metro links would seem very drab indeed.

It's no secret Microsoft is trying to completely refresh their image. Everyone sees them as the greedy company they were in the 90's and now that they're entire ecosystem is changing, everyone either hates or is running to catch up. The reason for both of those is simple however: people hate change! It will take some time for people to adjust to almost every Microsoft product receiving a metro face lift. I feel as though the older generation may never. On the other hand, as a teenager I love the new ecosystem. It provides a new, fun experience when compared to iOS/OSX while a simpler, less buggy experience when compared to Google/Android.I'm not the only one who feels that way according to research by Buzz Marketing group: BGR | microsoft is at a stage where they're trying to stay relevant in the tech world, but lately they're always two steps behind their competitors and we can only expect to see a harder push of the rebranding throughout 2013, with Windows Blue which will come to both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, along with the expected release of the next generation Xbox console. They are also working on 3 different 60 second commercial spots to help spread the word. Microsoft Preparing Major Rebranding with 60-Second Clips - Softpedia

In my book Windows 8 is even worse than the referenced articles portrait it. A tablet OS shoved on a PC just does not work. They should have split the UI into a PC version a la Windows 7 and a tablet version if the installer senses a touch enabled screen. The way it is now, it will be a disaster for Microsoft and the poor PC manufacturers. Dell is complaining already. Just look at the acceptance figures - it is worse than Vista which certainly was not a success. And the Windows 8 numbers include all devices whilst the Vista numbers were PC only.

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this article summarizes some of the points as to why Windows 8 does make sense and that MS isn't simply shooting themselves in the foot. It points to the way consumers use their devices and what's expected in the future, not with the demise of the personal computer, but the further evolution of how we access traditional services such as programs, the internet and more.

You know I have seen so many articles one way or the other lately, even some pointing towards the economy for a change but, it's still hard to gage whether or not they have gotten it right. If people don't like it, it will very hard to change their minds. I run it from either the desktop or the tiles and like it either way. But, I am obviously in the minority. And that's fine by me. I both a new computer and an old. Why run an old OS on a new computer? Well some people will that's a given.
I doubt you will every get a majority (even a small one) to accept anything above Windows 7. Too bad but, definitely not my loss. Even the fact that MS might go to some kind of yearly updates does not seem to be a big help in deciding. And it's too bad that the negative press is still beating the drums hard against OS8 in some places.

Oh it does not software from 1999. Well I can't say I have seen any software from 1999, that I would desperate enough to run. And I have no wish to be that bad off, to continue running Windows XP.

Maybe not software from 1999, but what about software from 2010? Many, many, many people still use XP, myself included. I'm not sure what it is that make people like you see it as a bad OS. Is it because Win 8 is new and that makes it better? Maybe you just don't have thousands of files and folders to organize so you don't have an A-H block of 1000 files. If you did, you would see why XP is WAY better than either 7 or 8.

Maybe not software from 1999, but what about software from 2010? Many, many, many people still use XP, myself included. I'm not sure what it is that make people like you see it as a bad OS. Is it because Win 8 is new and that makes it better? Maybe you just don't have thousands of files and folders to organize so you don't have an A-H block of 1000 files. If you did, you would see why XP is WAY better than either 7 or 8.

I really wonder what heck you're smoking cuz I'd sure like some of it....if it'll make me think the same way you do about XP. Granted Windows XP, when released was great. That being said...they're so many limitations with XP now, it's not even funny.

I really wonder what heck you're smoking cuz I'd sure like some of it....if it'll make me think the same way you do about XP.

You don't have to smoke anything to think XP uses 5x less memory and hard drive space. It just does. It also has a better Start menu, search and control panel. It's better at folder management. It can remember the size and location of multiple folders instead of only the last one open. All drug free.

Granted Windows XP, when released was great. That being said...they're so many limitations with XP now, it's not even funny.

How about if you gave me some examples? I really wonder what heck you're smoking cuz I'd sure like some of it....if it'll make me think the same way you do about 7/8.

Every thing you've just listed/sayed about XP, windows 7/8 does the exact same thing only faster...I'm sorry if you don't know how to use windows 7/8. Those that aren't will to change with the times will always get left behind. The fact remains that 7/8 are a better OS across the board.

Every thing you've just listed/sayed about XP, windows 7/8 does the exact same thing only faster...I'm sorry if you don't know how to use windows 7/8. Those that aren't will to change with the times will always get left behind. The fact remains that 7/8 are a better OS across the board.

That is a very vanilla answer that says nothing. Give examples.

Example... Windows 7 CAN NOT remember the size and location of multiple folders. It ONLY remembers the size and location of the last folder opened. That is a fact.

"That being said...they're so many limitations with XP now, it's not even funny."
Now as I said... give examples.

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What exactly to you mean by " Windows 7 CAN NOT remember the size and location of multiple folders. It ONLY remembers the size and location of the last folder opened. That is a fact"

As when I was on Windows 7 I had non of that happening, it just remembered them just like xp did before it and windows 8 after it.


What exactly to you mean by " Windows 7 CAN NOT remember the size and location of multiple folders. It ONLY remembers the size and location of the last folder opened. That is a fact"

As when I was on Windows 7 I had non of that happening, it just remembered them just like xp did before it and windows 8 after it.

Go to your desktop and create 2 folders. Call one "A" and the other "B". Open both folders and move folder A to the left side of your screen and B to the right. Close folder A and then close folder B. Open folder A. Is it where it was on the left? No, it's where folder B was, isn't it?

Just opens centred on the screen. I so don't even see why thats an issue.

Yep...that's how it's called center snap....which was first featured in Vista. As the developers thought it prudent to have one central opening location for all folders...

So if you don't like it...go cry to them...

Just opens centred on the screen. I so don't even see why thats an issue.

That's what I mean by "Windows 7 CAN NOT remember the size and location of multiple folders. It ONLY remembers the size and location of the last folder opened. That is a fact"

Yep...that's how it's called center snap....which was first featured in Vista. As the developers thought it prudent to have one central opening location for all folders...

So if you don't like it...go cry to them...

"That being said...they're so many limitations with XP now, it's not even funny."
I'm still waiting for examples. I think it's funny how you've begun resorting to hostility because you can't think of any... it's the sign of a desperate man. Wait... did I say funny? I meant sad.

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