
Essential Member
Aug 27, 2008
I'm sick and tired of seeing post after post with improper grammar, spelling, run on sentences and punctuation. This is supposed to be our future. How can one be the future with out having the basic skill sets of education.

Just alone on those bad merits, I just want to delete the post and ban the user.....if I had that ability to do so I would. It just drives me crazy having decipher what is trying to be written before attempting to try and solve the problem the poster is having. It's maddening!

I do empathise, Jim. And bad grammar is not only here. I have to listen to English being badly spoken everyday, too.

Yes, it's maddening. My pet peeve, for a while now, is the horrid misuse or unnecessary use or interjection of the word 'like'.


You should be a little more tolerant, Bass. The forums, like all the Internet, is multinational. Foreign speakers find the forum of great use, and do try and post sensibly. But, their knowledge of the English (UK or US- LOL) may be weak. The built in translators are not able to deal with this adequately. In fact, they can often make the intelligence of the post, even worst. A spell checker can only do that, of course, it will not alter the contents of a badly worded, and undecipherable, post,

I was drawn to answer your post, as I am on the other end of the dirty pole. I live in a foreign country, on a permanent basis. I speak the language badly. It is embarrassing to be laughed at in social company, when my feeble efforts to converse are met with scorn.

But, I do have empathy with your complaint, when it is almost impossible to understand even what the Tech problem is, for which the poster is requesting help..

I'm sick and tired of seeing post after post with improper grammar, spelling, run on sentences and punctuation. This is supposed to be our future. How can one be the future with out having the basic skill sets of education.

Just alone on those bad merits, I just want to delete the post and ban the user.....if I had that ability to do so I would. It just drives me crazy having decipher what is trying to be written before attempting to try and solve the problem the poster is having. It's maddening!

Bet you'll love this one - not a capital letter, full stop or comma etc to be seen!


bad merits,
If it is a "merit" it is difficult to ascribe the adjective "bad" and, similarly, if "bad" then it hardly warrants the description of being meritorious. Such inconsistencies of expression drive me to wanting to "delete the post and ban the user.....if I had that ability to do so I would." :highly_amused:

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Nothing at all to do with spell checks...etc.
But I type with two fingers, head down. When I look up at my finished product, I often have a fit and wonder what kind of coordination could produce such rubbish!!!

I'm sick and tired of seeing post after post with improper grammar, spelling, run on sentences and punctuation. This is supposed to be our future. How can one be the future with out having the basic skill sets of education.

Just alone on those bad merits, I just want to delete the post and ban the user.....if I had that ability to do so I would. It just drives me crazy having decipher what is trying to be written before attempting to try and solve the problem the poster is having. It's maddening!

Glad to see that 'humility and consideration of others' is alive and well.....

I will try to make mine more perfect

Up with this we will not put

I will try to make mine more perfect
A state of perfection is absolute and therefore anything less than perfect simply is not perfect and that which is perfect is incapable of becoming more so.

No, it was Davehc.

In a 'Yoda' style... :D

I believe it was the avowed atheist Christopher Hitchens - but Ross is right - definitely in the "Yoda style" and I reckon more people have heard of Yoda than have heard of Christopher HItchens, no doubt much to his chagrin.

It was old Winston Churchill. For good or bad, he was used as a role model in the English language, when I was at school.
It was a matter of not ending a sentence with a preposition.
He is alleged to have said it to a lady MP, with whom he was particularly p**ssed off.
"Madame, that is a language, up with which I shall not put. "

Unfortunately for us poor kids, to try and speak "correct" English made you sound like a freak!

Sounds like the irascible old gentleman. My favourite story of him was the one in which he upset a middle aged female colleague having downed a large brandy or two after lunch. She challenged him announcing, "You sir are drunk!" He responded by saying, "And you madam are exceedingly ugly but in the morning I shall be sober!"
