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I thought I try something new and have made a narrated tutorial with embedded videos and links using Power Point.

The tutorial shows you how to make tutorials or presentations in the same fashion as this example.

Because of the nature of the tutorial, I cannot post it here. I have uploaded it to the authorSTREAM ( aS) website from where you can operate it. There are, however, a few operational rules you have to follow:

· When your cursor is on the right side of the aS window, you can advance to the next slide with a click. From the left side of the aS window you go back to the previous slide.

· Do not click on the links whilst the narration is still running. The narration would overflow to the linked page which is messy if the link is a video with its own narration.

· On the bottom right of the aS window and the Youtube window is the control for full screen (recommended). When you return to the aS window from a link, you have to press ESC to reactivate the full screen control button.

When you click on the picture, you will be connected to authorSTREAM. If you wish to watch it in your own Power Point or free Power Point Viewer, you can download the file Link Removed

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